2022 Master Want To Do & Goals List

Today, I’m going to share my master projects and goals list for this year.  Next time, I’ll share my monthly goals for January 2022.  My monthly goals are smaller steps to reaching these larger, overall goals.

I will also do smaller projects throughout the year. I know that I’m planning to clean out both my master bedroom closet and my coat closet. These are what I consider to be weekend projects and don’t really need a spot on the list. They will make it on to my monthly goals list though.



*Paint kitchen cabinets
*Replace light switch so that lights can be dimmed
*Repair ceiling


*Refresh dining room
*Clean out hutch
*Get rid of armoire
*Remove boxes and other stuff that doesn’t belong
*Re-arrange furniture?


*Clean out 3rd floor storage

This storage space is a shared area with all of the homeowners. Our spots are designated by our unit numbers. My area used to be much more crowded but I have cleaned out some boxes already. That red tape on the wall indicates how high we can go with our belongings.

*Clean out garage storage

Other than some chairs, I don’t really even know what’s in here! I do see some paint cans which I expect can be thrown out. This is a project that shouldn’t take too long-not likely more than a couple of hours at most.


Set a monthly workout goal
Set a monthly nutrition goal
Set a monthly step goal


Do Project Life for 2022
Create a digital or traditional scrapbook page monthly
Make and send cards to family and friends each month


Daily gratitude journaling
Read 1 personal growth/development book each quarter
Engage in some form of self care weekly


Weekly Budget Review
Monthly Budget Review
Participate in a savings challenge

That’s where we are for 2022. I’m looking forward to moving along with these projects as well as doing some smaller projects as they come up.
What are you working on for 2022? Share in the comments.

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