November Monthly Goals-the start of holiday season

We are in the 11th month of 2021!! Halloween is over and we are officially in “holiday season”!! This is my favorite time of year for many reasons-it’s boots and sweater season, it’s hot chocolate & peppermint time, it’s Hallmark holiday movie time and it’s the time of year that we make spending time with friends and family a priority.
People often get stressed at this time of year because it does tend to be pretty busy. I get stressed because I’m usually trying to finish up home projects as well as get my holiday cards made. And this year is no different!! I’m trying to finish my living room refresh and since I still need to design my holiday card the making process has not yet begun.
These monthly lists help keep me on track. October was a short month in terms of goals since I was out of the country for half of the month. Let’s see what progress I made and then look at the plans for November.



Dump Run-Get rid of the mirror & other unwanted non-donatable items-NOT YET
Finish details of the living room refresh-IN PROGRESS


Send out monthly birthday cards to my creative group-NOPE
Make at least one traditional scrapbook page-NOPE


Take blood sugar at least 5 days per week-COMPLETE
Exercise at least 8 times-COMPLETED 2 TIMES
7000 steps x 20 days-COMPLETED 15 TIMES


Read at least 75 pages from Atomic Habits-IN PROGRESS-I RE-STARTED THE BOOK BUT DID NOT GET 75 PAGES DONE


Re-start weekly budget review-COMPLETE
No Amazon shopping-COMPLETE
Research car buying-COMPLETE


As we enter this holiday season, I want to stay mindful of my goals but also make sure that I make time for family and friends. Unlike 2020, I will be traveling for Thanksgiving which cuts out about a week of working of goals.


*Dump Run-do at least one dump run getting rid of unwanted materials-mirror, armoire, end tables, etc..
*Goodwill Run
*Continue to move forward with the living room refresh which includes finish painting, making decor items, etc….


*Design holiday card
*Start making holiday cards


*Exercise 10 days
*7000 steps X 20 days


*Continue reading Atomic Habits-100 pages


*Weekly budget review
*Savings challenge-catch up from when I didn’t do transfers while I was away
*Finalize car purchase

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