2021 Goals Review-What’s Done & What’s Left



Each year, I construct a “want to do list” or a goals list. I intentionally make the list very ambitious so that I have options for what I will work on. This list is called a “want to do list” because these items are all of my own choosing and nothing bad will happen if I don’t do them. I try to look at the list as a gift and not a chore.
Like most, I do this list at the beginning of the year. Unlike most, I attempt to schedule monthly goals that support this list and I try to revisit the list throughout the year. Truth be told, I’m pretty good at scheduling monthly goals but I have come to realize that I don’t revisit the list regularly enough.
I’m doing it now because we are in the final quarter of the year and I want to get an idea of what progress I have made. In the future, I plan to revisit this list at the end of each quarter-March, June, September and December.


Here are the items that are on my 2021 Want to Do List and my progress with each.


Finish Office RefreshDONE
Living Room Refresh-IN PROGRESS
Kitchen Refresh-Unintentionally started, but no firm plans made
Dining Room Refresh-NOT STARTED
Clean out Garage Storage-NOT STARTED
Clean out 3rd Floor Storage-NOT STARTED


Clean off craft table and suppliesDONE
Continue with monthly 2021 Project Life-DONE
Send monthly handmade cards to family & friends-DONE


Set monthly fitness goals-DONE
Set monthly nutrition goals-NOPE (I actually forgot that I set this goal)! This is not the hydration goal. This is more about wanting to improve what I eat-more vegetables and a more well rounded diet overall.


Read at least 3 personal development books-NOT STARTED


Create Monthly Budget-DONE
Weekly Budget Review-SOMETIMES
Complete 2 No Spend Months-NOT STARTED
Participate in an annual savings challenges-DONE


I feel pretty okay about the progress I’ve made. At first, I was a bit disappointed and then I remembered that if I had not made any goals I would have likely not done much of what I have gotten done.
The good news is that my 2022 Want To Do list has pretty much written itself!!

For the remainder of 2021, I plan to focus on getting the living room finished including all of the details. My goals is to have it completely finished by the end of the year.
Additionally, I plan to work on some quality of life issues which include getting rid of the armoire, broken mirror and other furniture that is no longer wanted. Getting rid of these items will really help me get my home in order. Right now, these items are doing nothing more than taking up space, contributing to clutter and creating an eyesore!

What say you? Do you write a master want to do or goals list? Do you review it during the year? What have you accomplished this year? Share in the comments.

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