October Monthly Goals-September in Review

Monthly Goals

Just like in September, I will not be around a lot to work on my usual goals. Again, My intentions are to keep with my normal cadence of setting goals and intentions. Let’s review September and then see what’s in store for October.



Shampoo the living room carpet-COMPLETED-It was quite satisfying to get this done (and a bit gross as usual). I plan to schedule regular carpet cleaning so that maybe it’s not as gross in the future. However, it’s also become clear to me that this carpet is way past its prime and in 2022 I’ll be getting some estimates about replacing the carpet or installing new flooring.
Put new furniture together-COMPLETED-You’ll see in a future post (soon) which pieces I put together as well as an unexpected & unplanned piece!
Do a Goodwill run-COMPLETED


Make a functional decor item for the living room refresh-NOPE. Time just got away from me!


Take Blood Sugar at least 5 mornings each week-COMPLETED. I did this 21 mornings this month.
Exercise at least 10 times this month-NOPE. I was too busy planning for vacation and I just let this one slide. It is my desire to one day be a person who works out no matter what.
7000 steps x 10 days-COMPLETED 17 days
Hydrate 64 ounces x 10 days-MAYBE? I managed 8 days and then stopped counting as I was in full vacay prep mode!!


Enjoy time and adventures with friends-DONE!!!!!!


Schedule online bill payments for mid-September no later than 9/16-COMPLETED
Schedule online bill payments for early October no later than 9/18-COMPLETED



*Dump Run-Get rid of broken mirror on my balcony and any other items that are no longer wanted
*Living Room refresh-finish painting area by my craft table/area


*Send out monthly birthday cards to my creative group
*Make at least 1 traditional scrapbook page


*Take blood sugar at least 5 days per week
*Exercise at least 8 times this month
*7000 steps x 20 days


*(let’s try this again)Read at least 75 pages from Atomic Habits


*Re-start weekly budgeting review including receipt tracking and entering information onto the spreadsheet on bill paying days.
*No Amazon purchases-after going a bit crazy buying items for my vacation, it’s time to rein in the impulse/unplanned buying.
*Research Car Buying (Used vs New)

That’s it for October. I will have about 2 weeks after I return from vacation to work on these goals. Some of them are rather ambitious for that time frame but it’s important to remind myself of what my intentions are and the things I want to accomplish. I have to remind myself that these goals and intentions are things that I get to do and not have to do. Recognizing these goals and intentions are what I want to do so that my home feels like a blessing and not a curse.

It’s hard to believe that we will soon be entering the final 2 months of the year! Later this month, I’ll do a review of my annual goals and update you on where I am and what I may adjust.

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