Creative Time-Scrapbook Cart Organization

craft area

It feels like so long ago that I cleaned out and rearranged my craft area……and it was!!  One of the things I’ve been meaning to do since then is to create a cart where I housed my supplies that I would use for scrapbooking. Cleaning out my craft area re-inspired and motivated me to want to make more traditional scrapbooking pages.  Looking back at scrapbook pages that I’ve made in the past, reminds me of how much I really like making traditional pages. 

It took me a while to get to it but I finally did. It was not hard but it did take a little longer than I thought it would.  I am apparently very skilled at getting A LOT of stuff into a small space.

The cart where I house my supplies is a standard 3 container cart which I have had for a long time.  I believe I got the cart at Michael’s.  I wish it was more like this one with boxes that don’t move. This cart is fully functional though and I didn’t see the point of spending money on a new one.  it must not have been very popular as I can’t find it to link it! At some point in the near future, I will likely use either some thin wood or even foam core to stabilize the baskets.


You’ll notice that there are no photos of the “middle” of this process. That’s because I was so focused that I just forgot! I had everything removed from the cart and sorted into categories. I used the very clean top of my craft desk to get this task done!


I’ve loosely divided the containers-stickers, ephemera, labels, etc…on the top shelf.  The second shelf has journaling type materials with cards and stamps and the bottom shelf has various tools. 

And I have this container with journaling pens. These are pens that I would only use on my scrapbook layouts. There are also a set of pens here that can be used to write on photos.

As I’ve discovered, it’s important for me to be able to see my materials to some degree in order to use them-I need to have a general idea as to where things are.

As I make the scrapbook pages, I will share them.  You may wonder why I even want to make these pages especially when I already do Project Life where I’m documenting my daily life.  Making traditional scrapbook pages are another creative outlet that allows me to focus on a singular story. I can use as many or as few photos as I want though I tend to be a multiple photo scrapbooker.  Scrapbooks are often used to tell stories about special events. I like to make scrapbook pages that tell stories about our everyday lives in a longer form than Project Life. 

I’m looking forward to making scrapbook pages to tell new and older stories as well. That’s the beauty of making scrapbook pages-you don’t have to go in chronological order!

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