The Life of Art-Van Gogh Immersive

I had the fantastic opportunity to go to the Van Gogh Immersive experience in San Francisco.  I had heard good things about it but had no real idea what to expect.  After I was invited to go as part of my birthday celebration, I purposely did not seek out information online as I just wanted to experience it without a ton of pre-information.

The ad for the experience asks if you’ve ever wanted to step into a painting and tells us that now you can. Reading that before the experience might have elicited an emphatic, NO! from me but after having been through the experience I can report that the experience feels a lot like being part of the paintings.  

This is not an exhibit where you walk around a take a look.  Here, you sit and use your eyes and ears to take in the art.  There is accompanying music that goes along with the pieces as they rotate.  It is difficult to explain because it really is immersive and different from anything I’ve experience before.  You also don’t just look in one place-it’s a 360 degree experience.  The art is on the wall and the floor which is its own unique and fascinating experience. 

Rather than continuing to talk about, I’ll share some photos of the experience. It is hard to translate this experience through photos though.  It is definitely an experience I would recommend.  It’s not like anything else yet it is completely captivating. 

van gogh immersive
work of van gogh

This was a very picture heavy post but that was the point. This experience is available in many cities around the world. Again, it was an unexpected experience but well worth it.
Have you seen this art exhibit? Share in the comments.

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