Las Vegas Travels-Fun in the Sun

Welcome to Las Vegas

Now that lock downs are over and vaccinations are happening, it’s time to travel again!!!  Personally, I have been vaccinated since February and itching to travel since then.  

My first airplane adventure was a weekend trip with friends from New York to Las Vegas!!

SF Airport to Las Vegas

My friends were there for a few days before me and I flew in on Saturday, July 3.  I was driven to the airport by a friend, which was great and getting through the airport was a breeze. The news kept talking about how this weekend was likely to be incredibly busy due to it being the first travel weekend since most states opened up. Fortunately, I had checked in online and only had a carry on bag.  I also have TSA pre-check but I actually forgot about it!  Thankfully, the airport had staff directing traveler’s to the appropriate lines and I got re-directed to the right one. There was no wait in the TSA pre-check line and the best part is that you don’t have to take anything off or take anything out of your bag!

The flight was quick and easy and before I knew it I was in Las Vegas where it was 104 degrees. 

I stayed at my friend’s timeshare, World Mark Las Vegas which was quick drive down Las Vegas Blvd. 

World Mark Pool Las Vegas

It was 104 degrees when I arrived so my first stop was to the resort pool. It was nice but the water felt like bath water. There was no coolness at all! It was nice to just relax, chat with my friends and have some drinks.

Vegas Evenings

That night (and the other 2 that I was there) the temperature never went down past 102 degrees no matter the time of night. It is true though about desert heat being easier to bear!

Night in Vegas

We did lots and lots of walking! Eventually, we ended up at The Bellagio to see their indoor art installation. The Bellagio never disappoints with their seasonal displays.

The Bellagio
Gaia-Goddess of the Earth
Gaia, Greek Goddess of the Earth-made of bamboo
George and Me

Daytime Activities

The following day we went go kart racing!! I’ve never done it before and it was great fun. I was totally surprised at how fast the car goes! They call it racing and they are quite serious about it.

Go Kart Racing

You drive around the track several times and you are allowed to pass and cut in front of people. You are NOT allowed to bump other cars though. A couple of folks in our group took it all a bit to seriously and they stopped our race at one point to remind people of the rules.

go karts

Look closely at this photo. George is clearly behind me but he will insist that he had lapped me. I say, prove it!! This photo clearly shows me in front of George. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!!
Go Kart Racing was a ton of fun and I highly recommend it. It’s a nice change of pace to stay out of the casinos, though it’s still in the heat.

Daytime in Vegas

What To Know If You Go

I’ve been going to Las Vegas for a few decades now. As with life, things change. Here are a few things that I found to be much different than in the past:

-Gone are the days of cheap buffets, cheap drinks and free or super cheap activities. Everything costs money now.
-Gone are also the times when you could just decide to do something and then go and do it. Nowadays, you have to plan what you want to do and schedule it in advance. And that includes dinner reservations.
-You can no longer spot a cool looking restaurant and just decide to try it. You need a reservation most places and you need to make it at LEAST a day in advance. One place we tried to eat had 200 people on the wait list and stopped taking names!!
-If you make a reservation as recommended, you will know what time you’ll eat. We had zero reservations and we found ourselves regularly eating at 10:oo PM or more each night!
-Las Vegas is hot!! Especially in the summer. Don’t go there looking for or hoping for cool nights. (This one may not be a change except that the temperatures feel hotter during the day and don’t cool down at night)!
-Be prepared to walk a lot, pay for parking and plot out where you want to go and how much time it will take you to get there. Because…………
-Everything takes much longer than it used to!! Walking places, riding elevators, taking trams, being served, EVERYTHING!!


Las Vegas promises and gives you a lot. I am of the opinion that Las Vegas is exactly what it claims to be. It is not classy, cultured, or high class (now matter how much some things cost). It is, however, a ton of fun, offers a gazillion activities and sometimes, beautiful sunsets.

Vegas sunset

I’m so very happy that things are opening up again and that we can travel. I have missed being able to travel and now I want to do travel regularly. I have an epic adventure planned for September/October this year that I look forward to sharing later on.
What are you thoughts on Las Vegas? Do you think I got anything wrong in my assessment? Share in the comments.

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