Monthly Memory Keeping-July 2021-Birthday Celebrations Galore

We have actually gotten through 7(!) months of 2021. It seems that time is just flying by!! In spite of my hiatus, I continued with my monthly memory documentation project. Sometimes, I wonder why I continue but then when I look back at past years projects, I am thankful to be able to not just reminisce with photos but the journaling also reminds me of what my thinking was at the time!
Let’s see how July shaped up! It was my birthday month so there were more celebrations than usual!


memory keeping
birthday celebration in Las Vegas

This month began with me traveling to Las Vegas to socialize with my friends who live in New York. I consider this part of my birthday celebration!! George’s birthday was June 28 so we celebrated him as well!!


memory documentation

This week I’m focused on starting my living room refresh project but also prepping for future travel and hanging out with the Book Club Babes at Lisa’s. Our book club activities always start with some form of libation and I’m not mad about that!!! The home projects will never be done and the organization projects never end. When I’m working on a room, the “stuff” has to go somewhere and I’m trying to keep it out of my office which I’ve managed to stop using as the dump spot!


This is my actual birthday week and I’m loving all of the love I’m receiving. I think I’ve said before that I love celebrating my birthday and everyone else’s birthday, too! Once you reach a certain age, your birthday is often the only time you get to celebrate you! Also, as you get older and older, celebrating your birthday means you’re still alive and that makes me very happy!
My birthday started with a hike with Michyle and then dinner at her house with her family. It was lots of fun and we watched the NBA finals game as that was one of the things I wanted to do for my birthday. They have a fancy refrigerator that makes special “craft” ice and they made some for me! So cool!
Also, Lisa took me to lunch to celebrate my birthday which was also tons of fun and very thoughtful! The paint is also starting to flow for the living room project.


birthday celebrations

Lots of celebrating this week! First, I went to my other book club in person!! On Friday, I went bowling (drinking) with some work colleagues at the local bowling alley. We try to do things outside of work at least a few times each year. And then on the weekend, I went with local and out of town friends to the Van Gogh Immersive exhibit, had a fabulous dinner at Ideale in SF with a surprise attendance from Lisa and then Sunday we went to Yountville to the RH Cafe. This place is beautiful and the food was excellent. The RH is for Restoration Hardware (yes, the store) and they have a few of these cafes around the United States. I plan to go to the New York one when I’m there.


This week the news is all about the delta variant and how contagious it is. It is mainly impacting the unvaccinated though vaccinated folks can still transmit. Infections and hospitalizations are increasing fast especially in states like Florida and Texas with low vaccination and mask wearing rates.
The best thing that happened this month on the final day which I count as the final birthday celebration is that Michyle and Karim helped me to change out my ugly fluorescent light to a cute and very bright pendant light! This means of course, that there will be another project to do (the kitchen ceiling) but that’s just fine by me. I have hated the old light for so long that the cut up ceiling looks like a work of art to me!!

July is in the books, August is underway and I am working on my goals and planning for vacation. Life is good and I am happy!

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