Monthly Memory Keeping-May 2021 Project Life

I continue to document my life though it’s been harder and harder due to not being able to live as freely as I once did. Next month, California is due to open up on the 15th so hopefully my life (and photos) will get more interesting. Although COVID restrictions are wearing on me, there is some good that has come through this. Slowing down has me appreciating all that I do have and love. My life is abundant and rich!

This is what my life looked like in May.

WEEK ONE-May 1-7

WEEK TWO-May 8-14

WEEK THREE-May 15-21

WEEK FOUR-May 22-28


As May comes to a close and June arrives, I’ll be looking forward to seeing how my daily photography changes. It was very hard finding things to take photos of during the pandemic, especially the early days when we were on lockdown. I am happy that we’re opening up more but I will remain cautious. I look forward to spending time with friends and getting out of my kitchen!!! I am very happy to be able to take pictures of things/places outside of my home!!

Thanks for reading!

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