Hello Again-I’m Back and Ready to Be Productive


Well, hello again!!  It’s good to be back.  While I was away, I was working hard on planning, organizing and writing the content I plan to share with you as well as working on projects around my house.  I don’t feel like I have the system down yet, it’s still trial and error but I have gotten much better at figuring out what steps I need to take to plan and write my posts. I didn’t get everything I wanted to accomplished but I made a significant dent and feel that I can move forward without all of the pressure I was feeling before. Though this break was unplanned, in the end it was very helpful!

What’s Coming Up


Coming up, especially this month, I will catch you up on my memory keeping and monthly goals. Even while on hiatus, I kept up with documenting my daily life as well as making goals each month. I did not throw the baby out with the bath water by just chucking all my plans!!! And, I’m proud of myself for that.

As we move forward into fall, I will share with you my living room refresh project.  This is the big project that I’m working on and I’m very excited with how it’s all coming together. Truth be told, I’m a bit frustrated, too!!! I’m frustrated because while I enjoy working on projects and making changes, I am really looking forward to getting my house back into shape. Right now, there is stuff everywhere (mostly in my dining room) and I’m getting tired of looking at it all . I have a large computer armoire that I really want out but no one is picking heavy items up yet. I may have to bite the bullet and pay someone to remove it!  

I’m also looking forward to having people over so I need to get my house put back together! I’m ready for some stability and a lot less visual clutter!

sweet hello

Additional Information

Other topics I will be sharing with you in the coming weeks include some favorite things, my outfits of the day, my travels as well as what I’ve been reading, watching and listening to.

Thanks again for hanging in with me. I’m so happy to be back and sharing my corner of the world with you.  

As usual, please share your own ideas, interests, goals or whatever in the comments. And if you have any suggestions for posts you’d like to see, let me know.

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