Where Have I Been???!!!? Planning and Projects

If you’re one of the few people who read my blog, you may have noticed that I haven’t posted anything for a while and maybe you’re curious as to why (or maybe not).

The break was unplanned but in hindsight rather necessary.  Toward the end of May, I was very busy with work and my Italian class. It was coming to the end of the semester and I had a quiz as well as a final exam to study for. After those were done, I was exhausted. When you’re in the middle of situations, it is easy to ignore how tired you are because you’re trying to get through it. I was not working on any projects or taking photos of anything.  I had a lot going on in my head but no time or energy to do more. 

Another thing became more clear and it’s something that I’ve mentioned in the past. I blog in the moment so what you see and read is fairly recent. I like doing it that way but then I don’t have posts ready for those times that I’m busy or too tired to do all of the tasks that go into writing this blog. And, I really enjoy writing this little blog!! I’m working on what is called content batching.  That’s where you do (batch) like tasks together presumably for efficiency. For blogging some of those tasks include writing posts, taking photos, uploading and editing photos, coming up with ideas, researching topics/information, and doing actual projects of course!  The idea is that you set aside a time and/or days for each task.  So one day would be for photography, one for writing, another for researching and so on. I’m currently trying out this system but haven’t gotten a rhythm down yet. I know that I’m going to have to tweak it some but it already feels like the structure is helping.

Because I do enjoy writing this blog, I needed to make a plan so that I don’t completely disappear from my blog when other life situations take over. I  still want to blog in the moment but with a bit more lag time.  I’m working on having 6-8 posts scheduled while I continue working on projects. Doing it this way will also give me time to do more planning and research on other ideas I have for posts. 

I’m planning on returning on August 10 with new posts.  I’m still documenting daily with Project Life as well as setting monthly goals. When I return, I will catch you up with how it’s been going and let you know what to expect in the future. In the meantime, Wisdom Wednesdays will continue. 

Thank you for rolling with me and supporting me through this change. I’m really excited and feel my creative mojo returning. 

Live, Learn, and Grow!

See you in August!

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