Updates-Meeting Goals & Making Progress

I have 1 quick update today! This one has been on my monthly goal list for a couple of months and I made sure to focus on getting it done. And as usual, I don’t know why I procrastinated as it didn’t take me very long at all-about 40 minutes total!


I have 2 drawers in the guest room closet that need some attention. The dresser itself has 5 drawers but 3 of those remain clutter-free. For some reason, these two drawers are where I stuffed items into when I was “cleaning” out another space. Having these items in this space is the right space but things were crammed in and I (1) couldn’t open the drawers all the way and (2) I couldn’t see what all was in the drawers. Not a pinterest worthy space but the drawers are now neat and I can see what all is in the drawers.


Organizing progress

Crammed and crowded and unable to open the drawer completely!


cleaning out progress
dresser cleanout progress

Most of what you see here are items that I use in crafting and gifting. They are called “blanks” and then I add decoration to them. I have t-shirts, makeup bags, socks, tote bags, towels, cloths and other items. I make items for myself and for gifts.



Most of the blanks went into this drawer as the other drawer holds a different type of craft supplies.


In the before picture, there were so many items on top of these that I didn’t even realize the these items were here!

After cleaning out the craft area, I had some extra, empty storage containers that I decided to keep (though I got rid of a ton)! This container is on top of the dresser and is the perfect spot for a few of the other blanks.
For me what is important when I’m organizing is having like items together but also easy to see.

Next week will be the progress update and finale of the craft area!

Do you have any organizing tips? Share in the comments.

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