Monthly Memory Keeping-March Project Life


This week I discovered air fryer bacon! Not only does the bacon come out just as deliciously as pan frying but the grease goes to the bottom so they’re less fat and it doesn’t smell up the whole house!!


I binged a Netflix show this week, Firefly Lane. It was really good and I hope that there is a Season 2. It is a show about life long friends and all of the ups and downs that happen through life.


As the world starts to open up again, I find myself buying items for being outside!! I got some new sneakers (not for exercise) and a new charging stand that I plan to use when I travel. Rather than taking a whole bunch of cords and plugs, it is all housed in this one unit. I needed it to hold and charge my Apple watch, Airpods, iPhone and maybe an iPad. This thing has room for it all and I can’t wait to use it!


I finally went to the dentist after avoiding it for awhile. I couldn’t go in 2020 but I hadn’t realized that it had been since 2018 but it’s not as bad as it sounds! I had a dental surgery in 2018 and saw that specialist for follow up and care into 2019. I should have gone back to my regular dentist in late 2019 but I procrastinated on making the appointment and then……………COVID!


As this month ends, I am enjoying my weekly Zoom meeting with my book club Babes. We always have good chats and fun time!

That’s my memory keeping round up for the month. I continue to enjoy this annual project and I am really enjoying doing it digitally mostly because it’s just a lot easier to get it done!
I hope your memory keeping efforts are going well for you, too.
Currently working on April memories!

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