Monthly Goals-April-my monthly intentions

Happy April-the 4th(!) month of 2021. Time marches on whether we’re prepared for it or not. It’s time for this monthly exercise of reviewing the progress of last month’s goals and setting the intention for this month.
So here we go!


Clean/organize craft area-In progress and about 80% complete! I’m learning that I should give myself more than a month to complete some of these larger tasks. I had so much stuff to go through and that took up a great deal of time.
Clean out 2 drawers (guest room closet)-NOPE. Once again, this task suffered because I was very focused on the craft area. It’s actually okay because I did a quick once over and it turns out that only 2 of the 5 drawers need some attention. And for clarification, this dresser houses craft supplies, paints, photo frames and future projects.
Look for dresser storage-DONE. I’ve been doing a daily search on Facebook marketplace and have had more success in finding what I’m looking more but haven’t chosen anything yet. I’ll continue doing this task until completion.
Arrange for pick up of my office armoire-no takers yet but I’m hoping that this month I will be able to schedule something. My county is opening up (coming out of quarantine) slowly but surely so I may be more successful this month.

Make 2 cards-COMPLETED. I had two friends with birthdays this month and they each got handmade cards.

Do not buy potato chips-DONE. I feel like I’m back in the habit of not feeling the need to buy chips. I had not been buying chips for a long time but being on lockdown led to the re-appearance of some old habits.
Drink 64 ounces of water for 25 days-DONE-25 days total
Exercise for 12 days-DONE-13 days total
Strength train for 4 days-NOPE-2 days total
Steps-7,000 for 15 days-DONE-15 days total
Even though I didn’t meet ALL of my goals, I am very pleased that I accomplished more of them than not. This is progress!

Weekly friend contact-ALMOST-2 days total but I did schedule 2 other friend visits that got cancelled-one by me and one by my friend. I got very comfortable being at home and alone during the lockdown. Sometimes, I really need to be at home, alone. However, as we begin to emerge from the lockdown I want to tend to my friendships.

Weekly Budget Review-NOPE-2 weeks total. This goal is a constant work in progress and for me, any progress is good progress. I’m trying to establish good habits in terms of paying attention to my finances and not just trying to keep information in my head.
Savings Challenge-DONE
No clothing purchases-NOPE but it was by accident! I had a $10 coupon that had to be used by the 19th and I simply spaced on this goal.


*finish craft area
*start living room declutter-this area is next on to be done list and the purging and decluttering is where it starts. I have also learned that I need to give myself more than 1 month to complete projects. The energy is always high at the start and then life gets in the way! I’m working on getting better at project planning and breaking the tasks down into much smaller pieces so that I don’t overwhelm myself.
*goodwill run(s)-I have lots of great stuff to donate after the craft area clean out and it needs to leave my home!
*clean out 2 drawers in the guest room closet-it is definitely my intention to finally get to this task this month. In my mind, it kind of goes along with cleaning the craft area since the drawers house craft supplies so I don’t think I’ll consider my craft area done until this task is done!


*photo organizing-spend at least 30 minutes per week organizing the thousands of photos on my laptop including saving them on my external hard drive. Getting these photos is something I’ve have the intention of doing for awhile. It’s time to get serious about it!
*create scrapbooking station-because many of the supplies for scrapbooking are different from my other supplies (some not all) I plan to use a separate cart to house the elements that are used specifically for scrapbooking. I’m hoping that if I don’t have to hunt around for supplies I will make some pages! Scrapbooking is where my creative/craft journey started so many years ago and I’m excited to get back to it.


*exercise-15 days
*strength train-4 days
*steps-7,000-16 days
*drink 64 ounces of water-27 days


*weekly face to face friend contact


*weekly budget review
My intention here is to really just focus on the budget review tasks and not get distracted by other financial tasks that might be a bit easier or more fun!

I’m excited to work on my goals this month. I feel like I have good momentum from March and want to continue that this month.
And you, any specific goals for this month? Share in the comments.

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