
Sharing another reading, watching, listening post. This is what I’ve been reading, watching and listening to in this last month.


Call Your Daughter Home-Deb Spera-this book is hard to put down even though it is hard to read at times. The book covers the stories of 3 main female characters at different stations in their lives but all having to make hard family choices. One of the lessons of this book is that it doesn’t really matter what your station is in life, everyone has tough and sometimes impossible choices to make.

Transcription-Kate Atkinson-this is another book about women’s experiences during WWII. In this telling, a young woman is recruited to transcribe conversations of British fascist sympathizers that she is clandestinely listening to. Once the war ends, she goes on to live her life until 10 years later when people from her spy past are infiltrating her present life and she’s not quite sure what to make of it.

Circe-Madeline Miller-this very hyped book is the re-examination of Greek mythology from a female empowerment perspective. It is really interesting to see how the stories many of us have heard over the years or learned in school are transformed to the voice of the goddess. Don’t be fooled though. It’s not as if the goddesses always win or show themselves in a great light.

A Week at the Shore-Barbara Delinsky-Don’t read this book. I hated it! It is the story of a woman who left home after a family tragedy and then has to return many years later. She is supposed to be confronting a deep secret to find out what really happened. For the majority of the book, the main character either whines about how no one in her family talks to one another and then she doesn’t share her thoughts with them or she is treating her 13 year old daughter more like a friend than being a mother and an example to her.
If you want to know what happens, ask me. I can tell you in less than 5 minutes. This book is really disappointing!


Yep, I’m still watching old tv shows!! Cold Case, Crossing Jordan, Medium and Unforgettable.
I am watching a couple of new shows, too. Clarice and The Equalizer.

I’m enjoying both shows though they are both have elements that make them a bit unbelievable. Clarice remains on duty searching for serial killers while not having worked through her own trauma with Buffalo Bill (Silence of the Lambs) while the Equalizer has some out of this world technology to assist with finding the bad guys and at least one cop willing to look the other way (for the greater good).
Do you notice anything about my choice for tv viewing? All strong female leads with interpersonal issues!


I have been listening to some new to me music. H.E.R. who is local to the SF Bay Area has a very old school soulful sound. The music is easy to listen to and works great in the background.
And I’ve also been enjoying this crime podcast. It’s really interesting to hear how cases are broken down and follow where the leads go. For me, one of the most frustrating parts is that there is not always a resolution. Murder cases often go unsolved in spite of what we see on tv.

Please share your reading, watching, listening favorites in the comments.

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