Craft Area-And So It Begins

craft area

Last week, I introduced you to my next big project which is cleaning my craft area. Today, I’ll show you the beginnings! There is a lot to do and it’s very detailed and time consuming but I’m finding that this project is generating new creative bursts and thoughts and I’m really looking forward to doing some more and new creating.


The very first thing I needed to do was to clean up the floor area. Having to step over items to clean is not the right mindset nor does it provide the proper visual cues to help this be a successful project. I picked up items from the surrounding area including the chair so that I could have room to work.

floor area-craft area

Afterwards, I decided to tackle this project a drawer/shelf/cubby at at time. As usual, I am impressed and horrified at how much stuff I can get into a small space!


This is the area where I’m starting. These are separate units with drawers and shelves. As you’ll see, they house all types of materials! First up, a couple of drawers.

Craft area-paints, glitters
This drawer houses spray glitters, paints and some small punches that get used more regularly.

As per usual, I pulled everything out, disposed of some and put others away for donation. I also removed some items from their packaging to make it easier to containerize them.

There wasn’t a lot to do in the drawer with the paints and glitters other than go through each cubby and make sure the product was still good and that I wanted to keep it. I got rid of a few products that I was never going to use.
After this first clean out, I decided that I was not going to start organizing the other drawers or cubbies yet. I want to make sure that I’m putting like items together and there’s a good chance that I may find other items like these in other areas. So for now when I clean out a drawer or shelf, I’m putting the items that I want to keep on my dining room table.
Once I have gone through ALL of my craft area, I will start organizing and re-arranging! I’m readying my mind for the mess it will be if only temporarily.
I’m also putting any containers and other organizers to the side so that when it’s time to put everything back, I can see what I have that I can use and determine if there is something that I need.

See you next time!

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