New Project-Craft Area

After spending the last few months working on my office refresh, I am ready to move on to the next project! Initially, I was jonesing to start my living room refresh. However, I decided that it would be in my best interest to work on something less intense but equally impactful.
Cleaning my craft area will involve a lot of decluttering and organizing but no big purchases or moving around furniture (too much). Really, the most important part of this project is going through my plentiful craft supplies and getting rid of anything that hasn’t been used in years!

I have several creative pursuits which all come with their own supplies but I also use many of the same supplies for different projects.
My main creative hobbies are card making, scrapbooking and DIY home decor. I started scrapbooking several years ago but haven’t done it in the traditional way for several years. I’ll talk more about this in a future post.
Let’s see what we’re dealing with!


Crafters and creative types work in many different ways. I am what is known as a messy crafter. I pull everything out while I’m using it and don’t put anything away until I’m completely done. I’m okay with this but one thing I would like to get better at is cleaning up and putting everything away once I am done with a project.
GOAL-Clean up in between projects

Another issue-too much stuff and all stuff doesn’t have a home. Some of the items in this photo should be in a drawer housed with other like items. The problem is that there isn’t room in the drawers and some of the drawers are filled with items that haven’t been used in a long time.
GOAL-every item has a place and supplies are being used.

Another common issues with crafters is that we often read blogs or watch videos of other crafters “creating” and we then want to create or try that technique, too. This is not necessarily a bad thing because trying new techniques or just being creative for the sake of being creative is really positive for creativity in general. Where it becomes problematic is that we think we need to buy ALL the stuff to try this new thing. While it may be true that something new might be needed, it is always true that you don’t need EVERYTHING.
Over the years I have gotten much better about not purchasing ALL the stuff or even updates of stuff I already have. However, there is definitely room for improvement.
GOAL-if purchasing something new, find a spot for it before using.
I tend to just let stuff sit on my desk before I use it cluttering up my work space. Some crafters have a basket of newly purchased items that they want to use and that’s something that I am considering. The key will be to have a spot to put it once it’s tried & time to be put away.

This is my desktop and the spot where I work. There are some items and tools that I need next to me to work but I’m being crowded out!
GOAL-clear my desktop of only the essentials.

This is the other side of my desktop and it is simply cluttered. Most of the items on this side of the desk are not things that I use regularly.
GOAL-reduce the visual clutter around my desk area.


These drawers and shelves are very useful. Some I use regularly and others are just full of stuff that I haven’t used.
GOAL-clean out the drawers and shelves and only keep items that will be used.

Sometimes when I don’t know where to put something, I put it in front of my craft table or on the chair next to it. It is not unknown for me to put items on my dining room table just to get them out of my way. I cannot tell you how many times I have tripped on these items on the floor.
GOAL-keep the floor and chair areas clear.

This task will be very labor intensive. I will take you along as I complete some areas. When done, my craft area will be clean, I will know where all of my products are and everything will have a place to live.
Wish me luck! If you have any organizing ideas, please share them in the comments.

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Michyle LaPedis
Michyle LaPedis
March 11, 2021 9:57 am

Wow – some amazing goals! I know you have a system for going through things and you’ll get there 🙂

One thing that I’ve heard makes a lot of sense when trying to pare down an oversupply of items is the “container concept”. Not sure if you use it or not already.

It doesn’t mean that you just find new containers for items you want to keep, it means that the container is the limit for specific items. If you decide you want to keep a specific type of item in a particular place, then you put your most favorite items in first, and only fill the container to a place where it’s not overflowing. Anything that is left outside of the container is to be donated or discarded.

There is a LOT of stuff there. The other idea is if something seems too difficult to make a decision, do other things first. Get rid of easy things you don’t have to make decisions about (trash or items you already knew you don’t want). Consolidate other items and only pick out your favorites. Then come back to the difficult items – you might be surprised that the momentum has changed how you view things 🙂

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