Office Refresh-The Big Reveal

How nice it is to finally have this space finished! As I go through some of the details, you will notice some unfinished business. Why then am I calling this project done you ask? Because it is 99% complete and it is not worth holding up the next project! Reflecting on this project and my master bath project, I have realized that either I am not a good project planner/manager and/or my creative thoughts flow as the project flows and things change direction. Things tend to get added to the project, though not generally taken away! These things are usually the details-the small things that I tend to not think of until I am firmly into the project and the larger part is near complete. I suspect that I am both not a great project planner and my creativity during projects also gives me squirrel tendencies! If I can get better at planning and managing projects, I’m happy to work on that. But if I have great idea during a project I’m going to go with it!

The other thing to know about this space is that it is not accurate to describe this room as my office. It is my office, my guest room and my workout space! This is a lot to ask of one room but I do and it works. I am really pleased with how it has all turned out and I finally feel like I have a space that really works for me.


This space has been pretty much the same since I moved here in 2004.

office refresh-2017

This photo is from 2017 and is basically what this space looked like before I decided to make a change. This room was always a mess and was also the place that housed “unhoused” items.

office refresh-the armoire

At the end of September, I started making changes to this space and this armoire needed to be moved. I moved it enough to put the new desk area together but this beast sat here until I got help to move it in January of this year! Every work day, I would squeeze to get into and out of my work chair!! It was definitely a tight squeeze!
Once the armoire was out of the room, the project not only took off but also took shape!


office refresh-in process

You can see the bones of the space starting to take shape. Remember, this is my personal work space and my work from home space so it needed to be functional even in its undone/incomplete state!

I want to replace this tv stand with a taller unit with drawers to act as storage. I haven’t found the right piece yet but I continue to look.

office refresh-couch

This is the area that you see as you walk into the office. This couch often becomes a catch all for items that need to be put away and for those with no home.
One of the tasks I completed during this refresh was to get rid of lots of paper and to find places for items that needed a home. Sometimes that meant throw away and sometimes donation.


It’s finally time so let me show you what I’ve done!

The big reveal

I have two sides-the right side is one for work and the left side is for personal. My work involves handling lots of confidential information so I don’t use my personal equipment for work. Therefore, I have 2 laptops, 2 monitors and 2 cell phones! This actually works really well for me and it makes it possible to NOT work when I should NOT be working. I even keep the light off over this space which keeps that area darker signifying that it is NOT work time.

office refresh door view


office refresh couch view
The couch can actually be used for its intended purpose now!
office refresh-photo wall

This space is behind my desk set up but is what you see first when coming through the office door. I fully intend to take naps (or meetings) on this space! I am pleased to say that I know my refresh is working out because this couch has stayed clear ever since the completion of this space!


This is another area that is not completely done (the dresser for storage being the other). Styling these ledges will take me some time to feel finished and I’m okay with that. I don’t yet know what photo I will put in the large frame on the top row. I’m mostly happy with the middle row but will likely make minor changes on the first row-that CREATE cup will not stay on this ledge!
Just in case you’re wondering, the gavel belonged to my father when he was President of the Postal Workers’ Union in San Francisco in the 1960’s & ’70’s.

And there you have it! The big reveal!! I am very happy with how everything turned out and even more pleased that the office space is functional and visually appealing to me. It is working out really well having the two sides and I have space for all I need and want! I even have a couple of empty drawers!

For reference, my desk consists of three drawer units from Michaels and the desk tops are from IKEA. I have 2 tops which are a little longer than 47″. I was very fortunate and caught them on sale for $8 each! The drawer units I also got on sale for about $40 each. I got the dry erase calendar from Office Depot and the wireless keyboard and mouse from Amazon. Having the wireless keyboard allows me keep the laptop closed and helps to keep my desktop more clear. I can use my laptop as a 2nd monitor if I choose, but generally I like to keep it closed. I covered the fabric covered bulletin board and tissue box cover in this post and the photo wall, lights and picture ledges in this post.

Thank you for coming along with me as I worked my way through this project. Stay tuned for projects in the near future!

Any thoughts or ideas? Share in the comments.

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Michyle LaPedis
Michyle LaPedis
February 26, 2021 4:38 pm

Great job Trena! I was totally surprised at the picture ledges – wasn’t expecting that. And your photo wall was amazing too. From the looks of it, you have the space you need for doing what needs to get done! Hope you have many hours of peaceful work and play in this space!

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