January Reading/Watching/Listen

Time to share what I’ve been reading, watching, and listening to. I did manage some more reading this month and also got in a couple of podcast listens. My “watches” will likely cause some chuckles!


I am happy that I got more reading done in January but a couple of the books were so long ago that I can’t remember what they’re about! That’s likely more a function of age vs. me not caring for the book. Please click on the title for the Amazon synopsis.

The Stranger Inside by Lisa Unger
I read this early in January and had a hard time recalling the details. However, once I read the synopsis I remembered that I really did like it. This is a true thriller with some surprises that I did not see coming.

Party of Two by Jasmine Guillory

This book 5 in the series. I have read 1-3 but somehow missed book 4. I was looking for something light to read and this one hit the spot. It was formulaic and the ending was known but it was still fun. I’ll likely get to the 4th book when I’m again looking for something light and predictable.

One Day in December by Josie Silver
I have previously read another title by this author, The Two Lives of Lydia Bird. I have concluded that I’m just not crazy about these stories. They both have an element of fate and magical thinking which just doesn’t resonate with me. I don’t mind these elements in general but not as a way of living life. I did like this one better than Lydia Bird but I don’t recommend.

Slaughterhouse Five-Kurt Vonnegut
Vonnegut was a prisoner of war and wrote a book about it. It is a classic (which I had never read) and definitely worth a read.
I read this for my Mid-Pen book club.

How to be Champion by Sarah Millican
This is not a typo. It is NOT How to be A Champion. Sarah Millican uses the word champion as a verb. She is a British comic and if you know of her this book will likely be of interest to you. There are definitely some laugh out loud moments and some gross moments that I could have done without. She talks some about being a female in the comedy game as well as in life. I didn’t know what to expect when I listened to this title and I wasn’t bored.
I listened to this title for my Babes book club.

The Girl with the Louding Voice by Abi Darè
Of all of the titles this month, this book was by far my favorite. The writing and the story are both top notch with my interest never wavering. I listened to this book which was also a real joy. The narration was so on point that I was visualizing what was being read to me. Be careful if you listen to this book while driving because the story and narration are so mesmerizing that it takes you to another place.


I have not been watching anything new lately! When I visited my mother over the holidays, she got me into watching old tv series from the 1980’s, 1990’s and early 2000’s! I am amazed at how into these old shows I am and how much I enjoy them. The other thing that slays me is that I pay so much for cable (mostly to watch live sports) but these shows are on over the air tv channels-MeTv and Start TV-that I could watch for free! In February, there are a couple of new shows on the docket though I imagine I’ll still be watching these old ones, too.
For clarification, when I say I watch them what I mean is that my tv is on and I’m doing other work-usually on the computer or cleaning or cooking! I rarely just sit and watch a show!

Also, I don’t consider Bridgerton new as it’s been around for several months but it is not in the category of old like the other 3 shows.

In Plain Sight-2008-2012 on the USA network

Rizzoli & Isles-2010-2016 on the TNT network

In the Heat of the Night-1995-1998 on CBS/NBC. The tv show is based on a film starring Sidney Poiter of the same name.

Bridgerton-2020 Season 1 with Season 2 announced on Netflix. Most people have binge watched this series but I am choosing to devour it slowly. As of this writing, I have seen 6 of the 10 episodes.


This month I have 2 podcasts to share.

Pantsuit Politics (politics)
These 2 women who were supporters of Hillary Clinton discuss whatever is in the news currently. Lots of thoughtful discussion and analysis.

Journey to Launch (finance)
This podcast is geared towards financial independence. However, her guests and show topics run the gamut on the topic of finance. She features topics for those just beginning to pay attention to their finances to those who are currently working their plan to be financially independent. She talks about budgeting, investing, real estate, some pitfalls and some successes. I really like that also talks about mistakes that she made and also given the chance what she would do differently even when things worked out. It is really about knowledge being power! Educational, accessible and interesting.

That’s it for this month. I think I’m starting the year off well-rounded and engaged.

If you have any book, podcast or tv show recommendations, please share in the comments.

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