Monthly Memory Keeping-December 2020

Today, I present the final page of my 2020 Project Life album. For this year, I used my HP sprocket printer and did a more traditional scrapbooking type layout. The photos that print out are 2×3 and adhesive backed. I enjoy this project and really enjoy looking back over the years. I started this project in 2010 and will continue in 2021. I use it to not only document for daily life but to also remind me of all that I have to be grateful for.
This year, I changing it up. I’m going to do an all digital process. I won’t be printing out any photos. I will use Photoshop Elements 2020 (PSE) to edit and upload my photos into templates. These templates allow for the addition of pictures, journaling and other creative elements. At the end of the year, I plan to either print out a memory keeping book with each month layout or just print out the individual pages and then add them to an album. I like the idea of adding the individual pages to an album so that I can add other elements if I choose.
Doing this project digitally means that I won’t need many supplies other than my computer. I already have PSE 2020 which I am using more and more and getting more comfortable with. I can still journal and express my creativity with my photos and stickers. And most importantly to me, the pictures will likely be much better!
I’m getting more and more comfortable doing digital work and this feels like a good time to expand.

End of November/Start of December

project life

We have finally entered the last month of 2020-the year that will go down in infamy. I am happy to have 2020 be over and done with.


week 1

This week I am working on finishing my holiday decor. Since I didn’t go and visit my family for Thanksgiving as usual, I was able to start decorating earlier than usual. I pulled this pic of my niece from Instagram because I thought she looked just beautiful. She had taken her braids down and this is her natural hair which I think is lovely. According to my niece though, it is very difficult to manage and she likes having her hair braided.


week 2

I am in full holiday prep trying to get cards finished so that I can mail them and picking up a treat to bring down to my family.


Week 3

This is my final few days at home before I drive down to visit the family for Christmas. It is also the start of the NBA season this week. I was invited to go to Filoli Gardens to view their holiday lights display and they did not disappoint. Finally, 13 year old great niece loves to have my 85 year old mother (her great grandmother) massage her feet!


Week 4

It is Christmas week and I am spending it with my family in Southern California. However, because of how bad COVID is there right now, we are staying in and watching either basketball or movies. All in all, it was a good week. December 31 has arrived and I am back home. I’m not going out so I made myself a special dinner with a recipe I found-salmon in spinach and artichoke sauce. It was very tasty and I look forward to making it again.


Like many, I am glad that 2020 is over. I am not, however, naive enough to think that 2021 will not come with its share of challenges. As we close 2020 out, COVID is worse than ever in the country and especially in my home state.
However, with the start of the vaccine distribution, I have hope that we are getting to the other side of this pandemic and are on our way to a whole lot of healing.

So goodbye to 2020 and hello to 2021. I look forward to having lots of fun and ordinary life events to share with you.

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