2021 Want To Do List

Earlier, we reviewed the progress of my master want to do list for 2020. Today, I present to you my list for 2021. I call it a “want” to do list because I recognize that it is not likely that everything will get done on this list in a year. If it does, then that’s great (or wasn’t ambitious enough)! And, I often end up doing other projects that aren’t on this list. These are things that just come up (like replacing window blinds).


This year one of the areas I want to focus on is to make sure that I finish a project before moving on to the next. Often, I will either get overwhelmed with a project or just procrastinate on those small details that need to get done to completely finish a project. Moving from project to project without full completion is how projects go on and on and on without resolution or remain 75% done! By the end of the year, you end up with a bunch of projects “almost” complete!
It is however, unrealistic of me to think that I won’t get overwhelmed or feel the need to procrastinate. One way I plan to combat this is to break some tasks down to smaller more bite sized tasks. There are lots of tasks and when I think of them all together I do get overwhelmed. Breaking things down into very manageable tasks will hopefully help to combat this.
FYI-My monthly goals list will be the area where I break down these larger projects into smaller tasks.




*Finish Office Refresh
*Living Room Refresh
*Kitchen Refresh
*Dining Room Refresh
*Clean Out Garage Storage
* Clean Out 3rd Floor Storage



*Clean Off Craft Table/Supplies
*Project Life 2021-monthly
*Monthly Cards to friends & family


health fitness

*Set Monthly Goals
*Set Monthly Nutrition Goals


spiritual growth

*Read at least three (3) personal development books



*Create Monthly Budget
*Weekly Budget Review
*2 No Spend Months
*Annual Savings Challenge


Last year, my word was Community. I talked about how even in spite of COVID restrictions I was able to live out this word. This year my word is PRESENT. The dictionary defines this word as “in a particular place” or “existing or occurring now.”
My goals with this word is to be “present” focused. Focus on what is happening right now and not what I want to happen in the future or be worried about what happened in the past. My goal is to not be future focused which tends to cause me anxiety. I get focused on thinking about everything ahead of me, everything that I want to accomplish that I become paralyzed and nothing gets done. And then, I worry about what I didn’t do and then feel overwhelmed with everything that I want to get done. And to be clear, these are pressures that I put on myself.
Additionally, one of the great lessons amplified and learned from 2020 is that slowing down can often enhance one’s life. You start to notice things (good and bad) that have always been there but not paid attention to. A lot of folks talk about how they started to notice things in their environment that they never noticed before. One friend told me that she had no idea that her backyard attracted so many birds. Because she was forced to slow down, she started sitting in her backyard with her face to the sky simply enjoying the nature that had always been there.
So, I will work on being present by appreciating where I am right now and what I’ve accomplished right now.
As I do with the other categories, each month I will document how I am living out this word of the year.

Here we go! I’m looking forward to seeing how this year plays out. I’m going to try and accept what is while maintaining a hopeful and positive attitude.

Do you choose a word of the year? Is it effective for you? How about any plans for home or self improvement?
Share in the comments.

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Michyle LaPedis
Michyle LaPedis
January 12, 2021 8:38 am

Here goes a new comment! Maybe I’ll be able to see it afterwards 🙂 Although it doesn’t have that check mark to be notified with new comments, so not sure if any reply will notify me.

So I never had words of the year before I started focusing on my health recently. For the past two years it has been “Consistency”. I’m ready to change it up, but still considering a few. “Perseverance” has resonated for some reason. I’m going to ruminate on that one for a while to see if it sticks!

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