Because of the pandemic and being in quarantine for much of the year, it’s easy to think that nothing really got accomplished. While it may be true that we didn’t get to do some of what we planned, I seriously doubt that “nothing” got done!
Let’s review my master “want to do list” for 2020.


  • paint the walls
  • paint the cabinet
  • frame the mirror (mirror broke-planked the wall)
  • repair ceiling hole
  • put shelves over the toilet
  • change out the lighting
  • change out the flooring
  • remove the medicine cabinet
  • place shelves where medicine cabinet was
  • upgrade/update bathroom fan
  • change out toilet (maybe)
  • change out faucets (2)
  • change out pipes under the sinks
master bathroom-done

This project benefitted from me having so much time at home! I did not change out the toilet or change the lighting. I may do the lighting in the future but I remain undecided on that one. If I decide to change out the lighting, I will likely hire it out as I don’t feel comfortable working with electricity especially not alone.


  • install chandelier type light
  • Clean out
master closet-after

I did manage to do a clean out but I haven’t changed out the light. I’m not sure that I will.


  • move hutch to another wall
  • move table
  • declutter hutch

I did absolutely nothing in the dining room in 2020. We’ll see if she makes the 2021 list!


  • Declutter
  • Paint (?)

This is another area that I did nothing in. This room is definitely on the “want to do list” this year.


While I did not get to replacing the light or painting the cabinets, I did get several smaller projects finished in 2020. I decluttered several cabinets including plastics, plates, mugs and water bottles, kitchen tools and the cabinet the holds my spices.


  • Clean out the storage box. I have not touched this spot since I moved here in 2004. I’ve added stuff but haven’t paid much attention to it. It’s not something that I use often or need to go into on a regular basis.

No work done here in 2020.


  • Clean out!! Another space that I haven’t touched in 15 years which logically means that the stuff can just go. However, there are some very sentimental items here that will require care (for my emotional state as opposed to the actual items).

I did start this one and was able to get through 1 box of very sentimental items. This one will likely make it to the 2021 list as well.


  • send handmade cards to family and friends every month
  • Project Life 2020-I will talk more about my new plan for documenting my day to day life when I post my December pages
  • photo project-delete bad/duplicate photos; organize folders
  • complete one craft/decor project each month

As I mentioned in a recent post, my creative mojo took a big hit in 2020. I did continue with Project Life every month and worked quite a bit on the photo project. I plan to continue both in 2021.


  • set workout and strength training goals each month
  • incorporate 1 new healthy habit each month

No surprise here but my fitness did take a hit in 2020. Being thrown out of my usual routine found me struggling with my workout routine. It seems as if it should have been easier since I had nothing but time on my hands but the depression and fatigue are real. They zap your energy and motivation. Once again, I will focus on this area this year.


  • read one spiritual/personal growth book each month
  • daily gratitude journal

I read a lot but tried to keep it light so the personal growth books did not make the cut. I may change up this category a bit this year.


  • write monthly budget and adjust as needed
  • do at least 2 no spend months
  • enact debt reducing strategy (cut back, sell stuff, increase income)

This category got the inconsistent treatment in 2020. I did not do any no spend months and in fact did a bunch of quarantine shopping!! I also didn’t sell anything but I did work a several overtime/on call shifts to earn extra income.


I had chosen the word “COMMUNITY” for my word of the year in 2020! At first, I laughed out loud once quarantine started and then continued with no end in sight. I had almost abandoned my word and then I realized that I really was living this word even though it wasn’t as I intended.
My original intent was to make sure that I was spending time with friends, asking for help when needed and being available to my friends as well.
In reality, I actually did do this. Before the pandemic, I was spending time with friends, went out with work colleagues, and held my annual Oscar party. I also asked for and received help with a project in my master bathroom.
Once the pandemic hit, I clearly couldn’t go out with friends in the same way and we couldn’t go to each others’ homes. However, I did start doing outdoor walks with friends when it became possible and a friend helped me fix my laundry room door. But I became aware that I was really living out the word community by participating in weekly Zoom meetings with my bookclub friends. When football season started, I participated (and continue to) in weekly Zooms to watch our SF 49ers play. My football friends and I even had a New Year’s Eve Zoom! I also signed up for and took an online Italian language class with a local community college. The class was twice per week with daily homework. I never missed an assignment or a class. I also joined two community groups that have become very central to my life-Neighbors Against Racism (NAR) and Labor Slate. NAR is a community group looking at police policy in our local police department and Labor Slate is a group made up of different unions working to engage and run political campaigns for local races. This past election season we had victories with 3 of our backed candidates!

That’s a complete wrap on 2020. I’m glad that the year is over and am very much looking forward to 2021. I have hope that with the vaccine will help return us to some new form of normal that will allow us to go to the movies, travel and eat inside again at some point this year.
Stay tuned for the master list for 2021.

How did your 2020 shake out? Share in the comments.

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Michyle LaPedis
Michyle LaPedis
January 7, 2021 8:46 am

You accomplished an amazing amount in 2020 and are right to have pride in the outcomes. Your bathroom is beautiful and you’ve done so much to impact your day-to-day and well-being. I tried to put together a list like yours for 2019, and then abandoned it for 2020 (maybe I was psychic or something!). You’ve inspired me to go back and try it for 2021 🙂

Michyle LaPedis
Michyle LaPedis
January 8, 2021 1:24 pm

I still can’t read comments on this site – can you enable them? Thanks!

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