Monthly Memory Keeping-November Project Life

This month was boring and interesting in all the usual ways that this year has been strange! As I make plans for memory keeping for 2021, I’m giving you a bit of a hint as to my plans!
In the meantime, allow me to share the high and low lights of the November 2020.


Here we are at the start of November and I am excited and relieved that it’s time to vote. I am so over all of this election mess!! It has been very stressful and ridiculously anxiety provoking. Even though election day is this week, it is estimated that it will be few days before the results are known.


This week the election was called for the Joe Biden/Kamala Harris ticket. We have our first female Vice President & our first Black/Asian Vice President (same person)!!! In addition to the election news, life goes on. I continue to have my Italian class every Tuesday and Thursday and I watched a really good show on Netflix-The Queen’s Gambit.


Project Life Week 3

This week I’ve spent some time having dinner outdoors and cooking for myself as well. I’ve also been doing more walking with friends which has been really nice for some safe socialization.


Project Life Week 4

More outdoor dining and a COVID test to boot. I was planning on going to So CA for Thanksgiving but because the COVID numbers are surging the CDC recommends no traveling during the holiday. I also got a mammogram and am happy to report that it came back clear/no evidence of disease. In preparation for Thanksgiving, I got myself some canned bubbles-blanc & rosé.


Project Life Week 5

The end of the month has arrived and I’m glad. I spent Thanksgiving alone and it was both parts sad and fine. I made a special meal for myself with ham, dressing, biscuits and chocolate covered fruit. It was kind of boring but I was able to start my holiday decor earlier than usual. One of the benefits of having to stay home due to COVID is that I didn’t have to deal with holiday travel.


Time to close out November and focus on having a December that maybe doesn’t suck too much!

How do you feel about 2020 ending? Have you done any memory keeping for this year? Any plans for 2021?
Share in the commments.

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