Memory Keeping-October Project Life

Look at me getting my memory keeping done and up on time! Even though no one is tracking or grading me on when I get it up to the blog, I want to have it completed by mid month (ish) so that it’s not constantly on my mind. This project is one that if you get too far behind it becomes harder to re-start. I really enjoy this project so I really want to keep up with it.
While working on this month’s memory keeping, I made a decision about how I’ll handle it next year. I won’t go into now but I’m changing things up again and I’m excited!!


This week I received my ballot for the upcoming election. I also installed new blinds in my bedroom and hung new sheers. The Vice Presidential debate occurred and thankfully was much better than the 1st Presidential debate. Kamela Harris had to tell Pence a number of times, “I’m speaking”. His interruptions weren’t as bad as the President but it was clear that he was attempting to limit her speaking time. Newsflash-it didn’t work!


This week I took care of some business with my car that was a long time coming. I was thrilled when it was done. I also decided to try and reduce my sugar intake. I have a major sweet tooth but regular sugar is not good for me. I bought some Swerve to add to baked goods instead of sugar and also purchased some sugar free pre-packaged cake/cupcake mixes to try out. I made some chocolate chip cookies replacing the cup of sugar it called for with a cup of Swerve. The cookies turned out okay. I’ll tweak the recipe and try again.


October Project Life-Week 3

I made the Swerve vanilla cake. I used regular icing, though. Again, it was okay. Almond flour does not rise like regular flour so the presentation is a bit disappointing. I will likely try again using regular flour and replacing the sugar. Trial and error!!
The other big event this week is a very emotional and personal one. When this year started, I had decided that I was going to finally get rid of papers and school stuff that belonged to my daughter. For the past 15 years, the box lived in my 3rd floor storage and I had not opened it since it was packed in 2004. I knew that there was nothing of “value” in there. Pre-COVID, I had planned to ask a couple of friends to be with me when I worked on this task because I knew it would be hard for me. I had brought the box down to my unit after Christmas 2019 just to get used to the idea of going through it. Because of COVID, it became clear that I would have to do this myself. Around April/May, I tried to open the box and burst into tears. However, this week, I tried to move the box and it started breaking down. I decided that this was a sign that it was time. I had to go through it just to make sure everything could be put in the recycling bin. I’m glad I did because there were a few things that could not be recycled. Surprisingly, I did not cry as I went through the box or took items to the recycling bin. For me, this was confirmation that I was ready. It was a really difficult task but I’m glad that I completed it.


This week was really special because I got to surprise my mother for her 85th birthday. I flew to Southern California on Friday and we had a family party in local park on Saturday. She was surprised by it all!! We got food from her favorite local restaurant and my sister brought the cake. My aunt and another good friend were both able to attend which was also a surprise. My mom asks for nothing and it was great to be able to surprise her this way. She said she was really happy!


Here at the end of the month, I have the Presidential election on my mind. I voted early and brought my ballot to the local election office. My baby sis voted for the very first time.


The monthly COVID stats are getting worse and worse. This is the winter surge we heard about and it is happening. Not good!

Hard to believe but there are only 2 months left in this year! I look forward to finishing out Project Life for 2020. I do look forward to hopefully having a much richer life experience to document in 2021. For now, I will appreciate all that I do have and that I am safe.

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