November Monthly Goals

Welcome to the 11th month of this crazy & unexpected year!! It’s so weird to think about this year finally ending and hoping that 2021 brings us……well something different from this year! If nothing else, I’m trying to remember that in spite of having to isolate and quarantine for most of this year there was still a ton of good. 
I likely got more accomplished at home than I would have normally. I certainly spent less money even with some pandemic spending!! Didn’t lose any weight or learn a new skill but I did enroll in an Italian language class when my Italy trip got cancelled. I spent more time with friends (not in person) & read more books, too!!

As I’ve said in the past, these monthly posts help me to really see what I actually accomplished. When I look back at posts from January & February, I remember the hope I felt about the year being very excited about the possibilities.
I now have that hope for 2021 (this post is being written prior to Election Day) & I’m hoping this feeling won’t turn to despair after November 3!!


Start my office re-do-DONE. I am knee deep into this re-organization project and hope to be completely done by the end of this month.
Carpet Clean-living room-NOPE. Another month gone by and I still didn’t do this one.
Clean out dresser drawers-Leggings, Pajamas, LingerieDONE
Take donations to Goodwill-DONE
Take broken vacuum cleaner to the dump-DONE

Complete September Project Life-DONE
Complete at least 30 minutes of photo organizing project-DONE
Create 2 digital Project Life pages; Sept & Oct-DONE
Start holiday card design-DONE

Continue with daily gratitude journaling-DONE

Exercise at least twice per week (8)-NOPE-I got in 3 sessions.
7500 steps-18 days-NOPE-I managed this 10 times. I realized that my exercising or not plays a big part in reaching this goal and working from home makes this goal harder to reach. I clearly need new strategies to reach this goal.
80 ounces of water-21 days-DONE-I hit this one on the head!

Weekly Budget Review-NOPE. I did review one week but I am behind and need to get back on track.
Track Spending-DONE-This goal remains helpful. It requires that I give purchases thought to prevent impulse buying and it’s working. I will even put something in my cart and then wait at least a day to see if I still want it. And way more often than not, I don’t make the purchase.
No Door Dash-DONE-Not only did I not spend money on Door Dash this month, I also didn’t feel compelled to.

Intentions for November

We are officially into the holiday season and for me that means that I have holiday goals. The one big one is to send out handmade cards to my contact list. It takes a lot of time which means that some other goals get put on hold. This year I have decided that I’m not going to try to get it all done before the end of the year. I’m going to focus more on tidying up tasks. Those really non-sexy, fairly uninteresting tasks that when they get done improve the quality of life.


-Do at least one final Goodwill run-finish getting rid of de-cluttered items
-Wash couch covers
-Spot clean couch arms


-Start making holiday card-cut out decorative elements
-Cut card bases and inserts
-De-clutter craft cart/desktop area-this one is important especially as I start making cards. It is not a one day process; I need space to work as well as space to leave different elements out.
-Start handmade gifts for friends and family. I actually have a little head start on this one as I “think” I already know what I want to make. I say “think” because it could change as I start to work on the project.
-Complete October Project Life


-Continue with daily gratitude journaling-doing this is good for my emotional and mental health and I enjoy it.


-Exercise-2 times per week
-Daily steps-6500 x 15 days
-Hydration-80 ounces of water x 23 days-though I have met this goal the last 2 months I need to work on being able to meet this goal when I’m not at home. It has been tricky when I go out to visit clients. The bathroom situation is not 100% back to normal so planning is essential.


-Track Spending
-Weekly budget review

That’s it for this month. I’m hoping that the election turns out the way I want it to. That will go a long way to ease my psyche!
What are your goals for November? Share in the comments.

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Michyle LaPedis
Michyle LaPedis
November 5, 2020 2:49 pm

Congratulations on all of your accomplishments! I think you need to give yourself a bigger pat on the back for spending time on photo organizing. You kind of just glossed over the fact that it seems like it has been out there for a long time without action, but you finally did it! And you unnecessarily point out you missed out on cleaning the carpet. If you’re going to ding yourself, you need to congratulate yourself too!

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