Memory Keeping-September Project Life

Once again, I’m running a bit behind of getting this month’s memory keeping up. I was not feeling creative and just kept procrastinating-printing the photos, laying them down, doing the journaling and taking the photos for the blog. In spite of the fact that sometimes I don’t feel like doing it, I do still enjoy documenting my day to day life. Hopefully, I’ll get October up sooner rather than later!


Here we are starting the 9th month of this very surreal and strange year. In spite of COVID, life moves on! This week it was hot AF!! In addition to it being hell hot, California was also suffering from several wildfires leading to really bad air. The air was so bad that windows could not be opened which was brutal when it was over 100 degrees! I don’t recall in my lifetime the air ever being this bad!


For me, the most exciting thing this week was the start of the NFL season. I have been a football fan (SF 49ers) for over 50 years!! More weirdness in this year-one day it was nighttime ALL DAY due to the aforementioned smoke from the wildfires!! Looking outside felt like it was the end of days with the whole sky and scenery turned red. Even though it wasn’t dangerous per se, it was definitely unsettling.


Back to more normalcy (relative at best). I was able to go for a walk outside with a friend. We had planned it for the week prior but the air was too unhealthy. I also participated in putting up some political flyers for progressive candidates for city council in Hayward.


The end of the month is here, fall has arrived but it’s still pretty hot. Fall is one of my favorite seasons because I did the whole sweaters and boots vibe (no pumpkin spice though)! Most notably, I was supposed to be leaving to go to Italy this week but could not because of the pandemic. I was not happy though I am happy that we are re-scheduled for 2021.


The very sad part about this monthly page is that in spite of the pandemic continuing and starting to get worse in some places, there are people who (1) don’t believe the virus is real (corona don’t care) and (2) refuse to wear masks. The not believing the virus is real is a difficult concept for me to grasp. Why would anyone make this up? And people who don’t want to wear masks because they think that they don’t work????

What a strange way to end my monthly memory keeping post!! This is 2020 in a nutshell!

Is anyone else doing any memory keeping this year? I wonder what those who are around 25, 40, 50 years from now will make of this period in time.

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