OFFICE RE-DO-Working from home edition

This is a project that came out of necessity. Because of the Coronavirus and being required to work from home, I needed create a space that really works. When I thought this might be a somewhat temporary situation, I was willing to wing it. When it became clear that working from home will be my new norm, it became time to make the space really work for me. I have plenty of space for my own office equipment but adding in work equipment including another laptop, monitor, cell phone, keyboard, etc….meant that I needed to make some changes. My office space, which has never been great, was fine for 1 person.

For those wondering why I don’t just use my own equipment, the answer is simple. I deal with confidential legal information that I don’t want on my personal machines. Additionally, my work laptop and phone have encryption that make them harder to infiltrate (supposedly). If there are ever any legal issues and my equipment gets subpoenaed, it will only be my work equipment and not my personal. Can you imagine various lawyers looking through your personal phone and laptop at your photos, documents, website searches, etc…That thought makes me shudder!
I am currently in the process of figuring out what I like and maybe want. I am gathering photos and ideas from Pinterest.


I’ve created some mood boards to document my design ideas.


Mood board-office desks

Right now, I have a self contained computer armoire that fits equipment for one just fine. I’m figuring out how much space I’ll need. Right now I’m looking at 2 separate stations-work and personal. I really like the idea of a desktop with storage underneath. My current office is severely lacking in places to put needed items.


Mood Board-office chairs

I currently have my work chair in my office and it is great. It was ergonomically designed just for me. I also need a new personal chair. The one I currently have is about 16 years old and has been taking a toll on my back and hips. Before working from home full time, I never had to spend too much time in it. Be forced to sit in that chair several hours a day has not been good.


Mood Board-office storage and supplies

Right now, I’m envisioning storage drawers and acrylic desktop supplies. It is my goal to have only needed items on the desk top.

Part of the process of re-doing the office will be lots of decluttering and re-organizing. I will not be painting or doing any large scale projects. There will definitely be some re-arranging of other furniture and items currently on the wall.
Cleaning out and re-organizing the home decor section of the guest room closet was on the to do list before this office re-do was even a thought.
Other areas to work on and decisions to be made include:
-going through my file cabinet-toss old paperwork; create some electronic files; get rid of as much paper as possible.
-finding a dresser with drawers to put my tools in and to hold my television on top OR;
-maybe mount the television on the wall.
-decide if I want to change the couch to a sleeper sofa (the office doubles as a guest room as well).

I will of course be documenting this journey and decision making and look forward to any ideas, thoughts, and suggestions!

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