Monthly Memory Keeping-August Project Life

project life

For the first time in a long time, I’m posting this month’s memory keeping on time! It’s really no big deal other than to acknowledge that it is always my goal to have this up on the blog by mid-month.
We continue to be in some form of quarantine-wearing masks in public, restaurants serving food through take out or outside dining only, gyms and tattoo parlors closed, hair and nail salons and malls just recently opened and most children going to school online.
Here’s my August in daily photos.


week 1 project life

August has arrived but it’s no ordinary summer. I’m working from home, there are no vacations or even trips to the beach. Like at the start of quarantine in March and April, I am feeling the need to bake as a form of comfort. This time it’s chocolate cookies. The recipe is pretty basic but it calls for browning the butter first which gives the cookies a richer flavor.


week 2 project life

The master bathroom project has been going on for a few months in fits and starts but it is now officially done! The final large project has been completed! The baseboards are in and painted and I could not be happier!


week 3 project life

Time is marching on and now the state is on fire. The fires near me were started by lighting and a big fire in Southern California was due to pyrotechnics at a gender reveal party. The skies are smoky and the air is so bad that the windows can’t be opened. And to top it off, we are also in a heat wave!


week 4 project life

Since my trip to Italy has been postponed to 2021, I decided to take an Italian language class. Hopefully, I will be able to converse in Italian by that time!!


week 5 project life

Time moves on but some things remain the same. This time another unarmed black man was shot 7 times in the back in front of his children in Kenosha, Wisconsin. More protests and unrest including the NBA. The playoffs stopped for a 3 day boycott. The boycott was led by the players of the Milwaukee Bucks as this latest shooting happened in the state that their team represents. Other sports also joined in on the boycott-MLB, NHL and the WNBA.
And this time, I made a delicious chocolate cake.


august Monthly

August was a rough month for me. I’m tired-emotionally, mentally and physically. I love my house and I’m sick of my house. Everyday, I try to be grateful because I know that my life is not bad. I recognize that others are living in very dire circumstances.
Be that as it may, in September I plan to spend some quiet, meditative time focusing on my mental health and spirit.

How do provide comfort for yourself? I will admit that baking isn’t necessarily the healthiest thing to do but the truth is that I don’t usually finish everything I bake. In the future, I will be more mindful and share my comfort treats with my neighbors!

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