September Monthly Goals

I am so grateful to have committed to doing these monthly goals posts. If I hadn’t, I might be a lump on my couch complaining about what I didn’t do. Not meeting goals is not a failure but an opportunity to adjust. The pandemic has forced me to stay inside and in some ways made it easier to finish some things. Constantly, staying inside can also have the opposite effect of wanting to do nothing!
Needless to say, even though everything on my August list did not get accomplished, I’m still pleased with where things stand.



*Clean out the mug cabinet-DONE
*Clean out the junk drawer-DONE
*Clean out the guest room closet-NOT YET
*Clean the carpet in the living room-NOT YET


*Create at least one page in the Project Life app-DONE
*Complete July Project Life Spread-DONE
*Do at least 2 sections of my Photoshop Elements class-NOT YET
*Work on my photo organization project for a minimum of 30 minutes each week-NOT YET


*Continue writing in my gratitude journal daily-DONE
*Listen to the Calm app at least 2 days each week-NOPE


*Exercise at least 15 days-I completed 2 workouts this month


*Track Spending-DONE. This has been very eye opening for me in a helpful way. It’s way too easy to decide that you need something and buy it on Amazon. It’s also way too easy to buy stuff in general. I really overspent this month and it hurt to see it written down. I did have some expenses that I’m okay with. I started an online Italian language class at a local community college. The course was $257 and the book was around $130. I consider this money well spent as I plan on being able to speak at least some Italian when I go to Italy next year (my trip this year was postponed).
*Weekly budget review-PARTIALLY DONE. I actually forgot about this one for the first two weeks but then I picked it up the last 2 weeks of the month. Doing this review weekly, helps me to not be blind to where my money is going. I’m really tracking my food money including groceries, eating out and food delivery like door dash. Because of the pandemic, I am cooking and eating at home way more than I ever have and my food bill shows it. I’m trying to get a sense of what is reasonable and where I’m being careless.


  • Guest room closet clean out
  • Living room carpet cleaning
  • Spice Cabinet clean out
  • Kitchen tool drawers (2) clean out
  • Kitchen tool caddy clean out
  • Utensil drawer clean out


  • Complete August Project Life
  • Create digital page in Project Life app (if you’ll recall, one of the reasons I’m doing this each month is so that I can create an annual book with my monthly highlights
  • Photo organization project-30 minutes per week


  • Daily gratitude journal
  • My therapy cards-a guide for self discovery & insight


  • 7500 steps per day-60% of the month-18 days
  • Drink 80 ounces of water daily for 60% of the month-18 days


  • Track Spending
  • Weekly budget review
  • No Door Dash
  • Amazon purchasing-maximum 4 times per month

Welcome to September! Let’s see how this month goes. Clearly, I have big plans for getting stuff done. Wish me luck and let me in the comments if you have any goals you’d like to meet this month.

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