Outfits of the Day-The New Normal

I have don’t many opportunities to dress for work anymore as I continue to work from home. This won’t likely change for me anytime soon. At some point, I will be able to visit my clients at their facilities and I will get dressed much more often than I do now!
I’m trying to step up my work from home wear but right now it’s lacking. Today I’m sharing a few outfits that I wore when I did leave the house! It’s really interesting because I am a person who really likes clothes and getting dressed (including dressed up) and not being able to is having an impact on when I do get dressed. I find myself not wanting to put too much effort or thought into my outfits. For me, daily dressing is a creative expression and I have noticed that not using that creative muscle is taking a toll. This is why I’ve been thinking more about stepping up my work from home dress game. Yoga pants and t-shirts are easy and do the trick but in the future I think I’m going to work harder to do better.


I’ve always liked this jumpsuit. It’s easy to dress up or down and is the epitome of easy dressing.


On this day, it was blazing hot and really smoky outside. I had to drive about an hour and a half away to visit a client. My client lives in an area that is always about 15 degrees hotter than where my home is. I wanted to be comfortable and stay as cool as possible.

I’ve had this dress for an number of years now. I don’t even recall where I purchased it. The dress is truly a summer or hot weather staple!


After that hot weather, we recently had some cooler weather. Not quite fall weather but definitely cooler. This is a typical fall weather outfit for me. I don’t get terribly cold (thanks, menopause) so I don’t need anything really heavy-jeans, t-shirt, and a light cover up. The jeans and t-shirt are old but the cover up (duster) is new. It’s my favorite new trendy piece-a maxi or floor length duster. The color is mocha which is a nice neutral and can be worn with any color. My shoes are my favorite leopard print flats with an ankle strap.

I am definitely ready for fall. As I type this, it is 11:00 PM and 83 degrees!! We always get this type of weather at this time of year and it’s always brutal!

I really do like getting dressed and look forward to doing it more regularly.
I’d like to know where you stand on work from home dressing. I know some folks embrace it wholeheartedly and other folks feel like they work better when they put on something other than yoga pants.
Share your thoughts in the comments!

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