Kitchen Cabinets-Mugs and Water Bottles

Master bath refresh

More house projects and goals completed! This is another small one but it still counts. I’ve been de-cluttering and organizing the kitchen cabinets and making decent progress. I’ve done the plastics, plates, junk drawer, the crock pot and special items cabinets.
And now it’s time for the mugs and water bottle cabinet. As I’ve stated before, I love mugs!! I drink coffee daily so they get lots of use but it has gotten to the point where they’re stacked high but I’m using the same ones over and over again.


mugs and water bottles before

I also keep my daily medications and vitamins in this cabinet. I take them at dinner time so it’s easy to remember them.

Don’t be surprised! I didn’t take a photo of the “middle”-my favorite part. I was so pleased with myself that I finally tackled this project that I didn’t stop to take the middle picture.


After mugs and bottles

I put the large water bottles and NutriBullet cups on the top where they are easy to reach. Also, they were too tall for the other two shelves so I laid them on their sides.

after mugs

My coffee mugs are now on the 2nd shelf with a shelf divider. The smaller mugs are on top and the larger on the bottom.

medication and vitamins after

The medication and vitamin box made it back to its home!


And when all was send and done, there were a few items available for donation.

Checking off another project feels great! Now on to the next!

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Michyle LaPedis
Michyle LaPedis
August 27, 2020 7:54 am

Great job! It’s all about momentum and you’ve got it 🙂

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