Junk Drawer-Small Projects

This is one of those little projects that has been on my list for awhile. It’s not a project that takes a long time to finish but it is the kind of project that is easy to put off.
Junk drawers can be controversial though I’m not sure why. Some people think that junk drawers are not necessary if you have place for everything. My junk drawer (and it’s really not junk) is in my kitchen and is a placeholder for items that I might need in my kitchen or other areas in my house. I put them here because it’s more convenient. For example, I have some pushpins in the drawer because I have a small bulletin board near my front door. Could I keep them in my office where the bulk of my push pins are? Sure, but having them in the drawer just makes it easier for me (and that is the ultimate goal)!


Oftentimes what happens is that stuff just gets thrown in this drawer and after awhile it gets a bit messy. This drawer was not terribly out of control but there were a few things in it that did not belong.


The other reason it’s necessary to go through these spaces on occasion is that they just need to be cleaned out. Sometimes things spill or just get dusty.
As usual, I pulled everything out, touched each item to determine if it needed to get thrown out, put in a different place and grouped like items.


And when all was said and done, everything was in its place and easy to see. For those of you who don’t know, I do have a television in my kitchen-hence the remotes!

And that’s it! Another project I get to check off of the to-do list!

How do you handle small projects like this? Do you complete them when you see that they need to be done or do you procrastinate like me? Share in the comments.

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