Master Bath Refresh Update-New Decor

Master bath refresh

We are almost there!! With the completion of the baseboards, all that is left now are some of the details. I have already completed some of the fun decor for this project but there are a few more items I want to complete. After what I’m sharing here, there is one more thing that I want to make to complete the refresh! For now, this is what I’ve been working on.


Hanging pictures

The blue painter’s tape is prominent in this image. This is how I am hanging pictures. I have 3 that it is my goal to hang evenly with one another.
However, before we get there, I draw your attention to the 2 galvanized buckets hanging on either side of my wall hook! I forgot to take a before picture but there was nothing there!

Hanging pictures

The painter tape method works pretty well for me as it gives me a visual to follow. You add your hanger to the tape and then remove the tape before you hang your pictures.

After-hanging pictures

I know that you want to know what the pictures say!
1. A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles
2. Life always offers you a second chance. It’s called tomorrow
3. Your mind is a garden. Your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers or you can grow weeds


This wall on the right side of the toilet has always been blank and it’s always bothered me. The spot just felt like it was neglected.

Blank wall

I wanted something fun but did not need it to be functional. I thought about photos but that didn’t feel right. I also thought about a framed poster but that felt like too much!
Amazon to rescue!

Wall hanging

I wanted something fun but not too fussy or busy. This macrame wall hanging fit the bill perfectly. It’s cute and interesting without making the space feel crowded!

Wall hanging collage

I now have 1 (ONE!!!) more project to go before I’m calling this room done. The plan is to complete it before the end of the month. I’ll then to a before and after post complete with costs. I’m curious to know how much I’ve spent doing this refresh.

Questions? Thoughts? Share in the comments!

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