August Monthly Goals

goals monthly header



Pantry clean out-DONE
T-shirt drawer clean out-DONE
Carpet Cleaning Guest Room-DONE-I didn’t just do the high traffic spots. I actually did the whole room and the rug.
Clean and organize the guest room-DONE


Create 1 page in the project life app-DONE-I actually completed 2. i did 1 with my out of town guests and 1 of my birthday celebration. I think I might create an annual book at the end of the year with these pages. If I do one each month, then I’d have at least 12 to represent the year.
Complete June project life spreadDONE
Photoshop Elements class-complete at least 2 sections-DONE-I completed 4 sections.


Daily gratitude journaling-DONE
Use the Calm app at least 2 times per week-NOPE I actually forgot about his goal until much later in the month. For the future, I will set a daily reminder.


Exercise 15 times this month-NOPE This was a complete and total fail. I have not worked out AT ALL this month and I’m not sure why other than I didn’t feel like it. That is a terrible reason though. I keep gaining and losing the same 3 pounds based on how much I exercise!


Track my spending-DONE In support of finally getting my budget done, I decided to track my spending this month. It was successful in that it made me more thoughtful of when I did spend. There were a couple of times when I cringed at myself for spending money thoughtlessly and needlessly-see Door Dash, Pizza and Jack in the Box!! In an upcoming month, I’m going to do a NO SPEND MONTH.



home header

-Clean out mug cabinet
-Clean out junk drawer
-Carpet clean-Living Room high traffic area
-Guest Room closet clean out focusing on decor


creative header

-Create a page in the Project Life app
-Complete July project life spread
-Photoshop elements class-complete at least 2 sections
-Photo Organization project-do a minimum of 30 minutes per week. I’ve actually worked on this project 3 times in July and got a lot accomplished. However, I have thousands of photos and this is an ongoing and year long projects. I am starting with this year and working backwards. The bit that I’ve done so far has made finding photos much easier. I have still have lots of clean up to do in terms of deleting bad photos and those with tons of duplicates.


spiritual header

-Continue with daily gratitude journaling
-Use the Calm app at least 2 times per week


health header

Exercise-15 times per month


financial header

-Track Spending
-Review budget weekly

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