Mid-Year Goals Review

to do list

Half the year is gone and it’s time to check in on how we’re doing with our planned goals. I find it helpful to do this at this time to see (1)how much has gotten accomplished and (2) if anything needs to be shifted or adjusted.
The start of the year feels so fresh and we’re all so ready to get it all done. This year started that way and then……..well, you know the rest-COVID-19 & sheltering in place. This was both good and bad for goal completion. Being forced to stay indoors meant that lots of stuff could get done. However, the uncertainty about our public health was very depressing and worrisome which led to a lack of productivity. I shared in a post how hard it was for me. Some days I was full of energy and other days I couldn’t get off of the couch.

Be that as it may, I feel like I’ve been busy and getting things done. In addition to reviewing my main master want to do list that started at the beginning of the year, I will also review a brain dump list that I put together in May.



  • paint the walls
  • paint the cabinet
  • frame the mirror-the project changed but was completed
  • repair ceiling hole
  • put shelves over the toilet
  • change out the lighting
  • change out the flooring
  • remove the medicine cabinet
  • place shelves where medicine cabinet was
  • upgrade/update bathroom fan-decided to clean and paint instead
  • change out toilet (maybe)
  • change out faucets (2)
  • change out pipes under the sinks


  • install chandelier type light
  • Clean out


  • move hutch to another wall
  • move table
  • declutter hutch


  • Declutter
  • Paint (?)


I’m pretty certain that painting the cabinets and replacing the light will not get done this year but working on cleaning out the cabinets gets me one step closer.

  • Paint cabinets
  • Replace light
  • Fix drawer
  • Declutter cabinets-IN PROCESS
  • Clean out and re-organize pantry


  • Clean out the storage box. I have not touched this spot since I moved here in 2004. I’ve added stuff but haven’t paid much attention to it. It’s not something that I use often or need to go into on a regular basis.


  • Clean out!! Another space that I haven’t touched in 15 years which logically means that the stuff can just go. However, there are some very sentimental items here that will require care (for my emotional state as opposed to the actual items).


brain dump list

Many of the items on this list are not major tasks but they were sitting in my head poking at me! Some of them are related to my master bath refresh. They are on this list because I needed to break the tasks down into smaller chunks. Here is the list of COMPLETED items:
*clean out tool drawer
*clean out paint drawer
*deep clean balcony
*clean out kitchen cabinet-dishes
*clean out guest room
*clean out pantry
*clean and re-organize the laundry room
*clean out freezer
*clean off hall tree
*take down valentines decor
*clean out kitchen cabinet-plastics
*make wood frame for towel hook-master bath
*paint mirror wall-master bath
*plank wall-master bath
*hang bath hooks-master bath
*research extra long shower curtains
*taxes (did them at the last minute)!
*blog finances-organize receipts

These are the items on the list that I did NOT complete:
-clean craft area
-de-clutter living room
-clean out kitchen cabinet-mugs
-clean out hall closet
-clean out guest room closet
-clean out refrigerator
-wash makeup brushes
-clean out master closet
-clean out night stand
I fully intend that these items will be done by the end of the year!


*Re-arranged and re-organized my laundry closet. I spilled some Oxiclean which needed to be cleaned up so I took the opportunity to make some changes.
* I made labels for jars and containers in my master bathroom and other areas in my house.
*I created some art work for my master bathroom (which I haven’t shown on my blog yet).
*Gather race shirts and prepare to send out to have a quilt made.


I have several areas from my master want to do list that I want to complete. Not everything will make the list though.
Here is what I’m still planning to do:

  • Clean out master closet
  • Clean out/declutter guest room closet with a goal of consolidating home decor into one area.
  • Declutter dining room hutch.
  • Move hutch and dining room table. This one (move hutch) is dependent on people being able to come into my home. There is no way I can move it alone!
  • Declutter living room
  • Declutter craft area
  • Clean out garage storage
  • Clean out 3rd floor storage. This one will also depend on having emotional support from friends as this area has many sentimental items.
  • Clean out hall closet
  • Clean out refrigerator
  • Wash make up brushes. This one is related to developing a schedule to do this regularly. Because I’m not leaving the house daily, I’m not wearing make up daily, so it just hasn’t been done.
  • Clean out nightstand
  • Finish the declutter on all kitchen cabinets-mugs, spices, junk drawer, utensils, knives, other kitchen utensils.
  • Take all of the decluttered items for donation!!!

I already keep my master to do list in my planner and I’ve decided that I’m also going to keep a “brain dump” list so that I can write down projects that I also want to get done that didn’t make the master list.
I imagine these will be smaller tasks that I notice and want to tackle.

So, I was right that I have been busy and gotten a ton of stuff done. Some of the remaining to do projects are larger than others but most are 1 day projects. The closets may be a bit more extensive-I can pack a whole lot into them!
When these things are all done, I will feel like I have my home in order. The plan as I complete each area is to keep it up!! I have to remind myself that the decluttering is only the first step in keeping these areas neat and clean.

Wish me luck!! Any advice? Helpful tips? Share in the comments.

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