Getting My Life Together-Plates Cabinet

If you read my most recent goals post, you’ll see that I have some goals that include cleaning and organizing different areas of my home. I have termed these my “get my life together” tasks. By this I mean that I want to clean things out, organize what I have left and generally not live with so much clutter and extra stuff. Handling these tasks help me to feel more in control of my life. Small task=Big reward which is a CLEAR MIND!!

One item that has been on my “get it done list” is to clean out my kitchen cabinets. To minimize the overwhelm, I have opted to do one cabinet at a time. The experts recommend breaking a large project down into small chunks so that you don’t get overwhelmed, procrastinate doing the task and then not get it done at all.
Clearing out my kitchen cabinets is a task that takes about an hour. I like to listen to a book or podcast while I do it.

I have already completed 3 cabinets-the crock pot cabinet, special occasion cabinet and the plastics cabinet. And now it’s time to work on what I call the plates cabinet. This cabinet houses more than plates, of course!

Kitchen -Plates-Before

The cabinet isn’t awful but there are many items that don’t need to be here or in my house at all. In full disclosure, there were more items in this cabinet but as I used them and washed them, I didn’t return them to the cabinet.
You’ll see that I have dinner plates, bowls, salad plates, plastics, larger bowls, empty random jars, ice cream bowls and other random containers in the cabinet.

kitchen-full cabinet
Kitchen-in progress

Of course, as always, this is my favorite part of organizing projects. Once everything is out, the options are endless!

If you’re thinking that the cabinet looks a bit bare, you’re right! Not only did I get rid of a lot, there are some items that are currently in the dishwasher.

kitchen plates


kitchen cabinet plates after

Even though I got rid of plenty, I still clearly have enough dishes for me and even some guests! It’s not Pinterest pretty but it is functional without being cluttered.


The first time I went into the cabinet to get a plate after this transformation it was nice to not have to move a bunch of other items to get what I needed!!

Another cabinet is completed and the next has been chosen! Coming soon……my mug and water bottle addiction EXPOSED!!

Ugh!!! I am not looking forward to this one. Many of my mugs and bottles have sentimental meaning to me.
Anyway, we move forward!! How are your cabinets? Do they need any clearing out or rearranging? Share in the comments.

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