Creative Time-May Monthly Cards

Creative goals

Being creative can be very difficult during trying times. Motivation wanes and inspiration is dulled. However, another truth is that creativity feeds creativity. The best way to get out of a creative slump is to doing something creative. Sometimes it’s good to do something creative without a specific goal. My commitment to making cards everything month is my way to keep the creative juices flowing whether I feel like it or not.

In May, I created 3 unique cards. One was for Mother’s Day and the other 2 were for my sisters’ birthdays-May 22 and May 25.

Mother’s Day Card

mother's day card

May 22

Alece Bday

May 25

Lorez Bday

I will continue this practice as it does fuel my creativity in some ways. I want to work more on crafting simply for the sake of crafting. I haven’t mastered that yet!

What say you on creativity? Is it important in your life or no? Share in the comments!

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