Kitchen Cabinets-The Plastics

One of the many items on my “want to do list” involves cleaning out/de-cluttering my kitchen cabinets. I de-cluttered 2 cabinets earlier this year and was happy with the results. My goal is to reduce the extras and use what I have.
This particular cabinet houses plastic containers that I use for either leftovers, lunches or when I have fruits and vegetables that need to be cleaned and corralled. The containers get a lot of use but I do find myself reaching for the same ones over and over.

Not awful but not organized

The cabinet is not Pinterest pretty but it is functional. I mostly have too many of the same thing. I’m finding that as I use the remaining containers there are some sizes that I don’t have. I need containers for when I have leftovers in large amounts-like rice, pasta or meat. I have plenty of containers for individually sized meals.

I also have containers that I take food for lunch and snacks in and I’m also not willing to get rid of those at this point. Even though I will likely be working from home for the foreseeable future and am not eating lunch out, at some point I will be back to visiting clients and will want to take my own food for lunch.

When all is said and done, I’m happy with the results. I can find what I need and the containers and lids are easy to get to. I’ll likely get rid of a set of meal planning containers that I never use.

3rd kitchen cabinet down and several more to go. Next on my list is to clear out my cabinet that houses my plates and bowls. Again, I have way more than I need and the cabinet is cluttered up with other random dishes and jars.

Are you working on any organizing projects? Share in the comments.

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