Monthly Reading Update-May

Book of Life-Deborah Harkness

This is the third and final book in the Discovery of Witches series. I enjoyed the series but the first book is my favorite. There was a lot of intrigue and “discoveries” if you will which kept things quite interesting. The first book was developed into a tv series and is available to purchase on Amazon (I’ll wait until it’s free)! This is a good mystery that features lots of different characters and subplots.

Worst Best Man-Mia Sosa

This book is a lot of fun. It’s in the chick-lit/romantic comedy vein and it does not disappoint. The basic premise is that a woman gets left at the altar on her wedding day and later ends up working with her former fiance and his brother. And, the brother is the one who convinced the fiance to call things off!
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Would Like to Meet-Rachel Winters

Another romantic comedy and also a lot of fun. This is tells the story of a woman who believes in “meeting cute” and is challenged by a screen writer to actually meet someone in one of the common scenarios that we see in the movies. She ends up living out lots of those scenarios with spectacular results!
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Talking to Strangers-Malcolm Gladwell

I read this book for one of my book clubs. It is NOT in the romantic comedy category. This book is non-fiction and looks at how and why we misunderstand each other which can lead to disastrous consequences. The author examines some Cuban spy incidents, the Sandra Bland case, the Jerry Sandusky case as well as the Stanford rape case. Some of the insights are rather frightening and makes me wonder if we can even make positive shifts in how we treat one another. I listened to this one and it is worth it. Malcolm Gladwell has the actual people involved discuss their cases or read their works when possible. The guy who figured out Bernie Madoff’s scheme 10 (!!!) years before he was caught is a real character.
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PS from Paris-Marc Levy

Another book club read and we’re back in the land of romantic comedies. This one though is written by a male. I enjoyed this book though it was a bit slow at first. The book jumps back and forth between the male and female leads and it takes them a while to meet. It felt a bit long to me. However, the book does have the typical elements of these types of books including the missed chances, misunderstandings, witty banter and best friends to dissect conversations with. The book is set primarily in Paris which is fun and a nice change of pace.

That’s it for now. I continue to read and am mostly trying to keep it light.
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