Quarantine Shopping-Carpet Cleaner

Quarantine has brought out some interesting choices and for me that has led to some interesting purchases. I’ve been thinking about cleaning my carpet for awhile and prior to the shelter in place I was thinking about renting a carpet cleaner.
For whatever reasons (boredom), I decided that I would just buy a new cleaner. I’ve had an old one for many years now and it just wasn’t doing the job. Plus, it’s old and heavy and makes you not want to use it.

It was really just taking up space in the closet!

Enter the shiny new model. She is much lighter, way easier to use and has a couple of new features that I adore! Introducing the Hoover Smartwash+.

I decided to tackle the hallway because nothing needed to be moved and it is a highly trafficked area.
Ok, I’m going to show you the before photos and fair warning-they are gross! In full disclosure, this carpet has been in place since I’ve lived here (2004) and I don’t know how long before that. I’ve had it professionally cleaned and have cleaned it myself but I’ll admit that it was not done regularly.

This is a very high traffic area as well as a light colored carpet. I should have been cleaning it very regularly but I wasn’t (don’t judge).
Like with all carpet cleaning, first you vacuum and then clean. This is what came up after one good pass.

Yes, it’s gross but it’s not like I didn’t know it would be! And, the dirt is mine! One of the things I like about this cleaner is that when you push forward, the cleaning solution is dispensed and when you pull back it dries. My old cleaner did not have that featured and the carpet took forever to dry.
Hoover recommends after doing cleaning with the solution to go back in with just water to rinse the carpet and make sure that there is no soap left over. I did that and of course more dirt came up but it was significantly less dirty.

After the rinse step, it was time to use what is my favorite feature on this machine:

The DRY ONLY button!! When this button is engaged, pushing AND pulling the carpet cleaner will engage the drying feature helping the carpet to dry much more quickly. I love it!
And when all is said and done, we have clean carpet!

This is after drying and vacuuming.

I hope you can tell that there is a significant difference in the before and after!

I’m very happy with the results and now it’s time to move on to other areas. I’m not sure where yet but I do plan to put carpet cleaning on my chore schedule so that it gets done at least quarterly.
I don’t like to buy things just to have the “new” thing but this is one of those times that the new is better not just because it’s new but because it’s improved. Having the new features and it being much more light weight means that I am more likely to clean my carpets on the regular!

Do you have any interesting quarantine purchases? Share in the comments.

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Michyle LaPedis
Michyle LaPedis
May 14, 2020 8:47 am

Wow – what a difference! Congrats on the winning purchase!
Now the key question – did you get rid of the old one?

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