Master Bath Update-Shelves

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I really hope that you’re not getting tired of all of these updates of my master bath refresh. I am excited that projects continue to be completed. When all is said and done, I will do a complete recap but in the meantime, I’m sharing as projects get completed.
Today, I am sharing the project where I installed shelves over the toilet. Previously, there was just one framed picture in the space.

This is the type of project that I find really difficult because it involves math! Lots of measuring and making sure things are straight and lined up. And, it also involves making sure that the shelves are secure. From doing other projects I realized that this part was detailed and time consuming but not hard.
I knew that I had to make sure the shelves were secure so I pre-drilled the wall and used drywall anchors to hold the weight. I did do a stud check but they were not in the right spot to be drilled into.

My toilet seat definitely got a workout! I laughed at myself every time I drilled the shelf holes and the wall holes because I was so happy and surprised that it was all even and level! I did take a great deal of time with the tape measure and the level.

I couldn’t believe that I got all three shelves installed properly. I was so happy that I did the install correctly and didn’t have to undo anything.
My intention with the shelves is that they be decorative as well as functional. I started to playing around with decor and other items. Not sure how the shelves will look when all is said and done but so far, so good.

The picture on top of the toilet tank is what used to be on the wall before the shelves. I’m not sure if I will put it up or do something else. Also, you can see a few DIY art pieces that I did. Stay tuned as I have a post coming up on more DIY bathroom decor projects. This is the fun stuff but not necessarily less frustrating. And still a bunch of measuring involved!!

As an FYI in case you’re interested, I bought the wood at Home Depot and had them cut it down for me. I did the stain myself. I really like the dark wood color with the bright white.
The size of the board depends on your space and on how thick you want it. I like the thickness that I got (2 inches) but I could have gone thicker.

Measuring Fun

I measured a lot just to make sure I was right. One night, I remembered that the iPhone has a measure app that comes pre-installed. I decided to try it and was happy to discover that my measurements clocked in at exactly the same length!

In an upcoming post, I will share the fun decorations and labeling I’ve done.
Questions? Thoughts? Share in the comments.

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Michyle LaPedis
Michyle LaPedis
May 12, 2020 7:41 am

Good job – looks great!

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