February Project Life-better late than never

Yes, it is April and I’m just getting around to documenting for February. The photos were all taken and printed out but I was not in a creative mind space until recently.
March Project Life is also done and will hopefully put me back on schedule. I will admit that it has been tricky to document this pandemic while sheltering in place.
This first week in February was actually part of the final week in January. It’s a little strange to look back at the photos BEFORE we got thrown inside!


Welcome to February the month of love! The funniest (maybe most annoying) thing this week was me trying to be a good citizen. I had replaced some florescent bulbs in my bathroom and was trying to recycle them the proper way-taking to the local dump/recycling center. However, their signs aren’t very clear and I ended up waiting in a 45 minute line that I didn’t need to be in! And of course, once I was in the line, I couldn’t get out. Cars and trucks filled the space in front and behind me! The good news is that once we’re out of this shelter in place event I know exactly where to go to dispose of EVERYTHING!!!


This week starts my new idea of putting one week of photos on one page instead of two-and I really like it! This week I hosted my annual Oscar party. I looked back at some invitations and learned that I’ve been hosting this soiree annually for about 12 years!


This week I was inspired to decorate for Valentine’s Day and even bought myself a cupcake to celebrate!


This week was full of fun and creativity. We had a Mardi Gras potluck at work and went to see Oprah over the weekend and even cleaned up my craft space.


So many good things highlighted the final week of this leap year month/start of March. Birthday celebrations, the Babes book club, purchasing my plane ticket for my trip to Italy in October and my home state participating in Super Tuesday!

Because I’m writing this in April, it is interesting to reflect on what I know has now transpired. In a couple of weeks from the end of this post, life will look completely different in a way it hasn’t in my lifetime. When I review these photos, I am struck by not just the regular-ness of them but of how easy and without care my life was. It is a lot to be grateful for and I look forward to the return to ordinary.

See you in the comments!

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April 15, 2020 10:23 pm

I love your blog Trena!

April 15, 2020 10:23 pm

I love your blog Trena!

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