APRIL MONTHLY GOALS-Quarantine Edition

This goals post is going to be a little different than usual. The shelter in place order which we’ve been living under for the past 6 weeks has put a crimp my goals. I’ve already posted about how hard this has been for me so I’ll refrain from mentioning it again. Suffice it to say that nothing has gone as planned and regrouping is on the agenda.
For this month, I will adjust my goals to go along with being quarantined. I’m going to focus on spiritual, home and creative goals only. I know that I should add movement or workout goals but I don’t want to. I’m also not going to review all of my March goals. When I wrote the goals post, we were not quarantined. That changed pretty quickly and honestly for the first two weeks I was stunned and numb.
When the quarantine is over, I will get back to a more usual goals posting.


-plank mirror wall (to be continued)
-remove medicine cabinet (DONE)
-cut floor border (DONE)
-clean & organize 2 kitchen cabinets (to be continued)

-make monthly birthday card (DONE)
-photo project-work on for at least 30 minutes per week (to be continued)

-daily gratitude journaling (DONE)
Not only have I continued to engage in daily gratitude journaling, I have also started more long form journaling. Not just to document this history making time we’re in but also to acknowledge and deal with my feelings about it. This has been a life saver for my emotional health. I don’t mind the alone part; I’m used to it and generally revel in it. The inability to make physical contact with another human is brutal. I’m a hugger and a toucher and not being able to engage this way may be life saving but is also debilitating.
-start 1 nightstand book (DONE)
I have started and continue to read Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo


-plank mirror wall
-change bathroom faucets in master bath
-stain bathroom shelves
-hang shelves over toilet
-make at least 2 DIY signs for the master bathroom
-hang up new toilet paper holder
-frame medicine cabinet shelves
-clean & organize at least 2 kitchen cabinets

-make cards for the month-birthday, thank you, just because
-photo organization project-minimum 30 minutes per week

-daily gratitude journaling
-read at least 50 pages from Everything is Figureutable

As of this day, I’m feeling very positive about getting this list accomplished. I always feel this way at the beginning of a month. Maybe, I’ll work ridiculously hard at the beginning at the month and then slack off as the month wears on. Finding coping skills is important, too!

Wish me luck and share what you’re doing during quarantine in the comments.

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