Master Bath Update-Dealing with the Floor

Master bath refresh

A quick update on the master bathroom refresh project. One positive note about our “shelter in place” situation is that I have tons of time to work on this project. However, a not so positive note is that it is very hard to remain motivated and it doesn’t matter how much time I have, I don’t want to do anything.
But, I have moved forward.

flooring refresh

This is my starting point. This is the floor that I inherited when I moved in. Nothing special about it and it did the job.

First thing was to remove the trim. I’m always surprised at how easy this type of thing is. A quick yank with the crow bar and it came off easily. I had to be careful because the trim is nailed in.

Once the trim was removed, I used a linoleum knife cut around the edge and remove it from the wall. Underneath is adhesive that was used to secure the sheet to the wall. This is done to avoid using baseboards but I don’t like it. Also, using a sheet linoleum is easy. In the past, it used to be the easiest thing around. However, these days there are so many flooring options that don’t require major tools, grout, cutting, etc…..Stay tuned in a future post for my choice. I’m very excited about it.
I decided that I will add baseboards instead of attempting to sand off the glue and paint to the floor..

Even though the new floor will simply go on top of this floor, I wanted to see what if anything was underneath the current floor. And my curiosity paid off!!! I believe that this is the original floor. The building went up in 1981 and this looks like some late 1970’s remnant.


And finally, there is always so much trash. This pile is the trim and a layer that the trim was nailed to along with some of the flooring I cut off.

What next?

Now it’s time to prep for painting. First, I’ll remove the drawers and cabinets along with the hardware. After that, it’s the walls. The good thing about re-doing the floor is that I don’t have to be careful with the painting. By that I mean that I don’t have to worry about covering the floor not that I plan to fling paint all over the place!!

Stay tuned and if you have any thoughts or questions, share in the comments.

And, I could use some positive vibes to keep me moving forward. As I expressed in the past, doing a project like this can get overwhelming not because of the big projects but because of all of the small detailing that needs to get done. This project is no different. In a future post, I will detail all of those small details that come up during these projects.

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