Master Bath Update-Medicine Cabinet

I am making progress on my master bath refresh! Things that have been on the to-do list for awhile are actually getting done and some new items have been added. One reason is that I decided to just “do anything” and another reason is the Coronavirus. We are instructed to stay inside and only leave for essential things like groceries, errands, to care for someone, etc….I am also instructed to work from home for at leas the next two weeks so I will have a lot of time that I normally wouldn’t to get stuff done.
Without further ado………..


When working on removing and framing the mirror, I decided to remove the medicine cabinet and create shelving. Medicine cabinets can make a space look dated and I figured this was a good time to make this change.

First things first, I cleaned out the cabinet. I decided to move some of the items to my linen closet and other more frequently used items to my nightstand.

medicine cabinet removal


me and the medicine cabinet
Working hard removing the medicine cabinet but also taking all of the items off of the wall that will ultimately be painted.

First, I decided that I would paint the area white. I figured it would give me a blank canvas to work with.

medicine cabinet paint


I decided that I wanted to use a contact paper for the back and sides and then put in a couple of shelves.
However, once this marble paper went in, I DID NOT LIKE IT!! I knew that I wanted some sort of design and I like marble but this was not doing it for me. I did ultimately figure it out though-STAY TUNED!!


Math is not now nor has it ever been a strength of mine. And yes, I consider measuring to be math! I had to measure from the top down, bottom up and side to side to figure out where to drill holes in the stud. And I had to do it for both sides and they had to match up! Can you say “PRESSURE”!!!!
I measured a lot, marked up the beam a ton and drilled a couple extra holes. And in the end, both sides lined up and no one was more surprised than me!


I don’t want to sound like it was totally easy and straight forward. With me and DIY, nothing ever is! The box where the medicine cabinet sat was pretty square but it is not level. Because of this, I needed to figure out how to make it more level without doing drywall as well as how to do the shelves. Initially, I was going to make a box and then shove it into the space but at the time I didn’t really have a cutting tool other than a miter box and hand saw (I’ve since acquired a jigsaw). Because the area wasn’t level and I didn’t want make it level (too much work), I left the back as is and installed two beams on the sides. I needed the side beams because I also needed to cover up the dry wall. I plan to put a type of frame or molding around the box.
I also had to measure, cut and stain the shelves. FYI-I did this BEFORE I got my jigsaw.
Again, stay tuned for more updates. The box and the shelves are done. I have not yet done the frame because I haven’t chosen what I want yet and I still need to paint the wall. I know that I can do the frame and just protect it when I paint but this way gives me more time to decide on the framing.
As usual, doing a simple project is never really that simple!! I’m excited to share all of the progress.

Any thoughts? Share in the comments!

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