Oprah 2020-Wellness Tour-what will you commit to

I was fortunate ( I paid-it wasn’t free) to be able to attend this wellness event with Oprah and sponsored by Weight Watchers (now called WW). The event was held at the Chase Center in San Francisco which is the home arena of my Golden State Warriors.
I also attended Oprah’s weekend event in 2015 which featured speakers Liz Gilbert, Iyanla Van Zant, Deepak Chopra, Rob Bell and others. As always, these events focus on not just living the life you want but living your life in a way that is right for you. In theory, it sounds good but seems that it may be easier said than done. I don’t think that’s true though. The part I think most people have trouble with is deciding what ACTUALLY is important to you. We all have obligations and things don’t always go the way we want them to. But as it has been said, it’s not what happens to you but your response to it that matters.


What is wellness? There are as many definitions as there are people. What this event focused on was having each of us define our own journeys. The other part that really resonated with me was that while there may be SEVERAL components to wellness you don’t have to focus on all of them at the same time.
In the workbook we were given, there were 3 important questions.
1. What’s your wellness focus? Assess your current state of wellness.
2. What’s your wellness intention? Why? Be clear about your intentions to help realize your goals.
3. What will you commit to today? Commitment combined with a plan. Breaking those big ideas into smaller steps.
The exercises in the workbook helped us to answer these questions.


This is about where you are currently in the following areas:
MIND-emotions, learning, work
BODY-nutrition, movement
SPIRIT-purpose, relationships
I like it being broken up this way. It helps you to see more clearly where you’re killing it and where you may not be paying enough attention.
The three areas that I have decided to focus on are nutrition, movement, and emotion. I want to improve the quality of diet, be physically active on a consistent basis and maintain a more positive mindset which includes being more intentional about what I choose to do/not do, choose to say/not say.


Oprah is a great speaker telling stories that are both humorous and thought provoking. She talks a lot about how her hopes and dreams have changed over the years and some of the really tough lessons she’s learned over the years.
Joining Oprah on this wellness journey were Kate Hudson and Julianne Hough. Kate Hudson talked about the role wellness plays in her life. She was very open about how her life does not look like she expected and what she had to do to achieve everything she has. She is best known as an actress and the daughter of Goldie Hawn and the founder and owner of Fabletics, a monthly workout clothing subscription service. Julianne Hough led us in a body positive workout that she created (Kinrgy-pronounced kin-er-g). It was about getting in touch with and to know your body, respect and appreciate your body exactly as it is.
Because Oprah is a WW spokesperson and they were a sponsor, there were also some WW guests who shared their very inspiring stories as well.
In spite of the sponsorship, I think they did a really nice job of incorporating WW without it being the main focus. The focus was really on wellness and not joining WW.
One of the things to look forward to seeing what kind of swag you get! We were gifted with really cute burlap tote bags which contained coupons and product samples. Throughout the venue, there were places to purchase products as well as photo op locations, hand massages with the lotions, and a beauty bar where people were getting their hair styled.

It was an all day affair that was really inspiring and thought provoking. I was reminded of the fact that in spite of me being a pragmatist or leaning toward the practical, I am living my best true self when I lead with my heart.

I have decided that whenever I have the opportunity to see Oprah live, I’m going to! She is such a dynamic speaker and does not disappoint!

Thoughts? Is there anyone that you will make it your mission to see if you have the chance?
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