House Project Update-Mirror Frame

Time to give a quick update on an ongoing home project. I am doing a refresh of my master bathroom. I know that this has been on the to-do list for awhile but I am determined to keep moving forward even if it’s baby steps.
One of the long standing items on the to-do list was putting a frame around my mirror. The mirror is quite large and spanned the length of the bathroom. I previously updated that I had completed making the frame.
The next step was to put the frame up but I ran into some issues.
I asked some friends for assistance which they generously and enthusiastically provided. Because of the size of the mirror, several hands were needed to get the mirror down.
Before my friends arrived, I taped the mirror just in case it broke so that shards would not go everywhere.

I also pulled out several tools that I thought we might need just in case.

As it turned out, we needed lots of different tools! The mirror was gently attached to the wall so releasing it from the wall was easy. However, as mentioned in a previous post, the silver piece that the mirror sits in would not budge. As it turned out, the mirror was caulked on the sides into the silver piece. My friends husband worked really hard to get the caulk out, release the mirror and we were ready to proceed!

We worked had to lift the mirror up and were on our way to getting it out and then……………………….tragedy struck. There was a hairline fracture in the glass that full on cracked when it butted up against the hand towel holder. I had taken everything out of the bathroom to create a decent work space but didn’t even think about the towel holders that were on each side of the mirror. All it took was one little bump and……………………..(see the photo)

The broken pieces out on my balcony

This is not the update that I hoped to write but it is still movement in the right direction. I said that I would ask for help with this part of the project and I did. I was hoping that I would be next writing about getting the mirror framed but instead I’ll be updating you in the near future about what I plan to do instead.

Here’s what I’m working with now:
You can see on the right side of the photo one of the offending towel holders!

One of the decisions I made during this process is that I will remove the medicine cabinet and make it into niche with shelves. Medicine cabinets tend to age a room even though they are often good storage.
For the mirror, I’m thinking of a double mirror situation with art work or shelves in between.
I’m not even mad about the broken mirror. I always knew it was possible and because it did happen it opens up my creative possibilities.
Since I can’t do the frame I planned, it’s time to move on to another task-paint the walls, paint the cabinets, build the shelves over the toilet, change out the medicine cabinet or change out the faucets. There’s still so much that needs to get done that re-grouping and moving on is the best plan of attack. Again, what’s important is that I continue to make progress forward. Stay tuned for what I decide to do next and with what I decide to do with the mirror area.

Any ideas?? Share in the comments!!

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