January 2020 Memory Keeping-Project Life Style

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Welcome to another year of monthly memory keeping! I decided to change the name up a bit because technically I am not using any actual Project Life products.
I am though continuing to participate in monthly memory keeping.
This year, I am doing more of a scrapbook style of memory keeping. You’ll see in the photos that I am using 2 blank 12×12 canvases per week and adding photos, journaling and decorative elements. This is done in a more traditional scrapbooking style. I want to try this way as an attempt to be a bit more creative in my telling and documenting my daily stories.
Memory keeping for me is a way to document not just the special events of my life but also the regular, daily, ordinary (many repetitive) events of my life.
This month I learned that doing memory keeping in this way takes a bit more time so I can’t wait until the last minute to throw something together.
In February, I’m thinking of doing one week of photos on 1 12×12 page to see how I like that. And this is one of the things I appreciate about having less structure. I can more easily change it up as the creative mood strikes.

For reference, I am continuing to use the HP Sprocket printer to print my photos though I also plan to use photos in different sizes when called for. Sometimes, I want the photo to tell a story but the 2×3 size of the Sprocket doesn’t offer enough room.
I’m really excited about this new exploration in my memory keeping adventures.


memory keeping

Generally every year, scrapbooks have an opening and closing page. Using the happy planner in past years, I didn’t usually have an opening page but I did sometimes do a closing page.


project life

This is the first page of the new year and the highlights include deconstructing Christmas and continuing to enjoy my time off work. I want to a movie, a Warriors game, and set up my new Echo Show 8 in the kitchen.



This week found me returning to work after being off during the holidays. I was getting back into the swing of things including watching the football playoffs with my usual crew!


memory keeping

I’m fully back into my normal life now. The Oscars nominations were announced and I am scheduling times to see the Best Picture nominees. I am also hunkering down and starting a long need home repair.


project life

This months feels unbelievably long! I continue to read for my book clubs and saw another movie. In shocking news, Kobe Bryant, his teenage daughter, and 7 others died in a helicopter crash. I was never a KB fan but I am a basketball fan and understand what he meant to the game. I was a bit numb after hearing the news and spent a lot of the day texting with family and friends about this news as we were all in shock.


project life memories

The final three days of the month and I’m hanging out with folks from work at Pinstripes Bowling Alley in San Mateo. The start of February is also part of this week but of course will be featured in next month’s memory keeping post.
The ends this first month of the year. I was busy and a little stressed but all in all I am happy with how things turned out.

Are you doing any memory keeping this year?
Share in the comments.

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Michyle LaPedis
Michyle LaPedis
February 18, 2020 10:29 am

Love the new format – much easier to follow and very crafty 🙂

February 19, 2020 9:22 pm

this is cool Trena!!

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