January Birthday Cards

bday cake

As you’ll recall, one of my creative goals this year, is to make and send birthday cards to friends and family each month. I also strive to make unique cards each month and try different techniques. Being creative in this way, helps me in other creative and non creative ways. It helps me look at things from different perspectives and also helps me adjust when I need to more quickly.
This month (January) I had 3 birthday cards to make. I decided to go with a water color theme.

bday card

I did a little hand painting and then stamped the sentiment. It took me a few tries to get the colors I liked and the strokes that I wanted to use.

I like the “rustic” look of the cards including the stamping. Usually, you want your stamped words and backgrounds to be crisp and sharp but I wanted it to look more handmade.

Something I’ve learned in all my many years of card making is that what you like is really a personal preference. I like all types of cards and enjoy trying techniques that are new to me.

For February, I have at least 2 cards to make. I don’t know yet what I’m going to do but you’ll see it when I figure it out!!
When I make cards, I usually make at least 1 extra so that I can have extras on hand when needed.

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