January Monthly Goals-December Results Review

January monthly goals

Welcome to 2020!! 365 opportunities to try again and keep figuring it out. Though it seems like it doesn’t matter, it’s time to review how December turned out and what the plans are for January.
I’ll also reveal my word of the year for 2020.



-Get rid of as much stuff as possible. PARTIAL SUCCESS. I have a ton of stuff in my truck ready to be donated or tossed. That’s better than it being in my house.
-Bring donations to Goodwill-NOPE. But this just means that January will be a really good donation month!
-Work on creative goals-DONE. I will update the specifics in a future post.
-Work on year end goals-DONE. Again, update coming.


So, the real deal is that I didn’t really track or try to meet any of these goals this month. In the future though, I want to make a real effort to continue my healthy lifestyle efforts even in busy seasons.
-Workout-goal was 15 times and I accomplished 3.
-Strength-goal was 8 and I accomplished 1.
-Intermittent fasting-goal was 10 but I didn’t really track this. I got some fasting days in but I didn’t record it.
-Water Intake-goal was 40 oz 22 days & I managed 12 days before I stopped tracking.


-Finish Manifest Now audible book-NOPE. I simply did not make the time for this.


Now that we’ve made it to the new year, it’s time to get back to it. And let’s be real, some of these goals will look identical to previous month’s goals!!


  • Seal the wood for the mirror frame.
  • Put up the mirror frame.
  • Fix the hole in my master bath ceiling.


  • Workout-15
  • Strength-8
  • Daily water intake-50 oz for a minimum of 20 days


creative goals
  • Complete 1 craft project
  • Send 3 homemade birthday cards to friends and family having birthdays this month


  • Finish Manifest Now audible book
  • Start 1 unread book that is living on my nightstand or in my audible account


  • Write budget!!

Word of the Year-Community

  • Ask at least 1 friend to help me with my mirror frame project or any other home project that I need help with
  • Attend a stage reading of my friend’s play

Good plan to start off the new year?? I’m excited about it. What are your plans? SHARE IN THE COMMENTS.

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